South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06 - Primary Elections
Section 12-6-55 - Withdrawal by nominee--Time and place of filing.

12-6-55. Withdrawal by nominee--Time and place of filing.
Any person nominated to any elective office may cause that person's name to be withdrawn from nomination by request in writing, subscribed and sworn to by that person before any officer qualified to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. The request shall be filed with the officer with whom the nominating petition was filed pursuant to §12-6-4, not later than the first Tuesday in August at 5:00 p.m. before the next election. No person's name withdrawn under this section may be printed upon the ballots for that office unless the same person is subsequently selected to fill the vacancy in accordance with §12-6-56.

Source: SL 1897, ch 60, §12; RPolC 1903, §1909; SL 1918 (SS), ch 44, §2; SL 1918 (SS), ch 46, §4; RC 1919, §7206; SL 1929, ch 117, §2; SL 1935, ch 109, §2; SL 1937, ch 124, §2; SDC 1939, §16.0245; SL 1961, ch 95; SL 1971, ch 87, §5; SL 1973, ch 74, §11; SL 1978, ch 99, §1; SL 1979, ch 97, §1; SL 2019, ch 74, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 12 - Elections

Chapter 06 - Primary Elections

Section 12-6-1 - Offices to which chapter applies.

Section 12-6-2 - Third-term gubernatorial nomination prohibited.

Section 12-6-3 - Candidacy for more than one office in same election prohibited--Exceptions.

Section 12-6-3.1 - Legislative candidates required to reside in district of candidacy.

Section 12-6-3.2 - Candidate required to register with party.

Section 12-6-4 - Petition required to place candidate's name on primary ballot--Time and place of filing.

Section 12-6-4.1 - Earliest time for circulating petitions or certificates.

Section 12-6-5 - Form of nominating petition prescribed by state board.

Section 12-6-6 - Joint petitions for delegate candidates--Individual petitions otherwise required.

Section 12-6-7 - Nominating petitions--Several sheets--Signature requirements.

Section 12-6-8 - Time and manner of signing petition--Declaration of candidate--Verification--Signing for independent or nonpolitical candidate.

Section 12-6-8.1 - Withdrawal from primary election--Time and place of filing.

Section 12-6-9 - Unopposed candidate automatically nominated--Primary not held if no contest.

Section 12-6-11 - Certification to county auditors of nominating petitions filed with secretary of state.

Section 12-6-14 - Form of official primary ballot prescribed by state board.

Section 12-6-26 - Qualifications of voters at primary--Party registration requirements.

Section 12-6-50 - Nomination by plurality at primary.

Section 12-6-51.1 - Percentage of votes required to run for Senate, House of Representatives, or Governor--Runoff election.

Section 12-6-51.3 - Certification of runoff candidates.

Section 12-6-52 - Party officials elected by plurality at primary.

Section 12-6-55 - Withdrawal by nominee--Time and place of filing.

Section 12-6-56 - Party committee--Party candidate vacancies.

Section 12-6-57 - Meeting of party committee to fill vacancies--Manner of voting.

Section 12-6-58 - Application of vacancy provisions to special congressional elections.

Section 12-6-64 - Liberal construction of primary election laws.

Section 12-6-65 - Defeated candidate--Prohibition.