12-5-25. Nomination of candidates by political party with alternative political status--Primary election.
A political party with alternative political status may nominate a candidate for United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, Governor, and any legislative seat by convention, if the nomination is submitted with the proper documentation to the Office of the Secretary of State no later than 5:00 p.m. central time on the second Tuesday in August, of the year of the election.
A candidate registered with a political party with an alternative political status may choose, if allowed by the party bylaws, to participate in a primary election by submitting a candidate petition no later than the last Tuesday of March in accordance with §12-5-1.4.
Source: SL 2018, ch 74, §3, eff. Mar. 23, 2018.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 05 - Political Parties And Party Affairs
Section 12-5-1 - Organization and dissolution of political party.
Section 12-5-1.1 - Party constitution or bylaws required--Filing with secretary of state.
Section 12-5-1.3 - Notice to county auditors of party rules affecting elections .
Section 12-5-1.4 - Nominating petitions of new party primary candidates.
Section 12-5-1.6 - Reward prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 12-5-2 - Precinct officials elected at primary.
Section 12-5-3.6 - Selection of method of allocating national convention vote.
Section 12-5-3.13 - Election of all delegates by slate receiving most votes.
Section 12-5-3.14 - Notice by candidates or supporters of intention to enter presidential primary.
Section 12-5-3.15 - State board to adopt rules.
Section 12-5-4 - Statement filed by candidates for precinct committee--Time of filing--Contents.
Section 12-5-4.1 - Unopposed candidate for precinct committee automatically elected.
Section 12-5-9 - Votes for precinct committee restricted to nominees.
Section 12-5-13 - Precinct committeemen elected by plurality at primary--Term of office.
Section 12-5-15 - Vacancies filled by county central committee--Exception.
Section 12-5-17 - Biennial state conventions--Time and place--Notice to secretary of state.