12-4-34. Registered voters referred to in other statutes.
If a statute refers to registered voters, it does not include those in the inactive registration file unless specifically included. However, any voter in the inactive registration file may sign a petition.
Source: SL 1994, ch 107, §34; SL 2002, ch 40, §14; SL 2010, ch 74, §9.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 04 - Registration Of Voters
Section 12-4-1 - Persons entitled to register.
Section 12-4-2 - County auditor in charge of voter registration records.
Section 12-4-4.2 - Purpose of overseas voting rights provisions.
Section 12-4-4.3 - Overseas citizen defined.
Section 12-4-4.4 - Registration and voting by overseas citizens--Conditions.
Section 12-4-4.5 - Absentee registration and voting in last county and precinct of residence.
Section 12-4-4.6 - Absentee ballot request as registration--Notarization not required.
Section 12-4-4.7 - Expedition of registrations and ballot requests.
Section 12-4-4.8 - Promulgation of rules by state board.
Section 12-4-4.9 - Election laws apply to overseas voting provisions.
Section 12-4-5 - Entry of applicants in registration file--Deadline--List for runoff election.
Section 12-4-5.2 - Notice of registration procedures--Publication.
Section 12-4-5.3 - Review of voter registration application by auditor--Notice to applicant.
Section 12-4-5.4 - Registration--Information provided.
Section 12-4-5.5 - Verification of registration information.
Section 12-4-6.1 - Effective date of voter registration.
Section 12-4-7.2 - Duty to ensure completion of registration cards.
Section 12-4-8 - Records prescribed by state board--Information required.
Section 12-4-8.2 - True copy to replace duplicate acknowledgment notice.
Section 12-4-9 - Master registration file--Contents--Public inspection--Limitations.
Section 12-4-9.2 - Secured active designation.
Section 12-4-9.3 - Voter registration records of judicial officers not a public record.
Section 12-4-10 - Precinct registration lists--Contents--Entries by superintendent.
Section 12-4-11 - Change of registration file on change in precinct boundaries.
Section 12-4-15 - Designation or change of party affiliation.
Section 12-4-19 - Address verification request--Confirmation mailing--Exception.
Section 12-4-19.2 - Placement in inactive registration file by auditor.
Section 12-4-19.4 - Cancellation of voter registration.
Section 12-4-19.6 - National change of address notice.
Section 12-4-19.7 - Voter registration list maintenance confirmation mailing notice--Contents.
Section 12-4-24 - Precinct lists for local election--Delivery to voting precincts.
Section 12-4-32 - National Voter Registration Act of 1993.
Section 12-4-33 - Chief state election official.
Section 12-4-34 - Registered voters referred to in other statutes.
Section 12-4-35 - Rules for the National Voter Registration Act.
Section 12-4-36 - Rebuttable presumption that certain electors not qualified.
Section 12-4-38 - County auditor's file is official record in event of discrepancy.
Section 12-4-39 - Promulgation of rules--Scope.
Section 12-4-40 - Identification of duplicate voter registration--Notification.
Section 12-4-41 - Use of voter registration information--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty.