South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 20 - Return And Canvass Of Votes
Section 12-20-8 - Precinct superintendent and precinct deputies to record intention of voter.

12-20-8. Precinct superintendent and precinct deputies to record intention of voter.
The precinct superintendent and precinct deputies, in counting the votes, shall endeavor to record the intention of the voter. The precinct superintendent and precinct deputies shall then hold the intention of the voter to be to vote for the candidate or candidates before whose name the voter has placed a mark.

Source: SDC 1939, §16.1205; SL 1974, ch 118, §153; SL 1976, ch 105, §70; SL 1997, ch 81, §10; SL 1999, ch 69, §43.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 12 - Elections

Chapter 20 - Return And Canvass Of Votes

Section 12-20-1 - Delivery of supplies to counting board--Certificate of transmittal and receipt--Commencement of count--Continuation without adjournment--Comparison and correction of poll lists--Penalty.

Section 12-20-2 - Opening of ballot box--Sorting and counting of unopened ballots--Ballots folded together.

Section 12-20-2.1 - Return of provisional ballot envelopes and unopened absentee ballots.

Section 12-20-3 - Drawing of excess ballots.

Section 12-20-5 - Count of votes for candidates--Scrutiny of ballots by precinct deputies--Decisions on disputed ballots.

Section 12-20-5.1 - Determination of validity of provisional ballots.

Section 12-20-6 - Unstamped ballots not counted.

Section 12-20-7 - Ballot not counted when voter's choice indeterminable--Promulgation of rules defining standards.

Section 12-20-8 - Precinct superintendent and precinct deputies to record intention of voter.

Section 12-20-10 - Blank list for unofficial return of precinct vote for candidates and submitted questions--Return envelope.

Section 12-20-11 - Entry of precinct vote on unofficial return list--Return with election returns.

Section 12-20-13 - Tabulation and public release of unofficial returns--Entry into central election reporting system.

Section 12-20-13.1 - Means of counting provisional ballots--Appointment of officials.

Section 12-20-13.2 - Counting provisional ballots--Certification.

Section 12-20-13.3 - Counting provisional ballots--Alternate time.

Section 12-20-13.4 - Counting provisional ballots--Notice.

Section 12-20-15 - State messenger to secure delinquent returns--Expenses deducted from county auditor's salary.

Section 12-20-17 - Returns not disclosed until all polls in state closed.

Section 12-20-18 - Entry of candidates' votes in precinct pollbooks.

Section 12-20-20 - Sealing of ballot boxes after deposit of counted ballots--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 12-20-21 - Return of ballot boxes, returns, records and supplies to officer in charge--Tampering prohibited--Violation as felony.

Section 12-20-21.1 - Circumstances requiring report of official returns by telephone.

Section 12-20-21.2 - Write-in votes not to be counted--Other votes on ballot.

Section 12-20-31 - Destruction of ballots and pollbooks--Period for which held--Pending recount or contest.

Section 12-20-32 - Preservation of ballot boxes and pollbooks--Delivery of pollbooks to county canvassing board--Violation as felony.

Section 12-20-35 - Returns not refused for irregularity--Certificate issued to candidate with most votes.

Section 12-20-36 - Time for canvass of vote--Governing board as canvassing board--Representatives for absent board members.

Section 12-20-37 - Secretary of state to provide guidance and direction in making returns.

Section 12-20-38 - Abstracts of precinct returns prepared by Board of Canvassers--Certification--Deposit.

Section 12-20-38.1 - Certified copy of official county canvass furnished to secretary of state--Permanent record.

Section 12-20-39 - Election by plurality.

Section 12-20-40 - Certificate of election delivered by county auditor to persons elected to local office.

Section 12-20-46 - Composition of State Canvassing Board--Candidate disqualified from participation.

Section 12-20-47 - Time of convening of state canvassers--Adjournment to obtain late returns.

Section 12-20-48 - Abstract by state canvassers of county returns--Signature and seal--Recording and filing of abstracts.

Section 12-20-48.1 - National convention slates and votes--Certification.

Section 12-20-49 - Certificate of election issued for federal, state or legislative office.

Section 12-20-51 - Disputes decided by majority of state canvassers--Irregularities disregarded.

Section 12-20-52 - Rules and regulations for counting and canvass of vote.