1-7-10. Private activity bond fees fund established.
There is hereby established in the state treasury a private activity bond fees fund. Each year, the fees from the private activity bond fees fund shall be transferred to the South Dakota housing opportunity fund. All money in the fund shall be expended in accordance with Title 4 on warrants drawn by the state auditor on vouchers approved by the Governor.
Source: SL 1989, ch 8, §2; SL 1990, ch 9; SL 2002, ch 11, §1; SL 2018, ch 10, §14.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Section 1-7-1 - Powers and duties of Governor.
Section 1-7-1.2 - Annual meeting with forest service representatives.
Section 1-7-4 - Powers and duties of acting governor.
Section 1-7-4.1 - Succession to Governorship during vacancy in office of lieutenant governor.
Section 1-7-8 - Authorization to allocate certain bonds exempt from federal income taxes.
Section 1-7-9 - Submission of nomination from Governor--Financial statement of nominee.
Section 1-7-10 - Private activity bond fees fund established.
Section 1-7-16 - Use of state or federal armed forces to suppress riot or unlawful assembly.
Section 1-7-18 - Scope of allocation and reallocation authority.