1-32-8. Assistant attorneys general as employees of attorney general's office.
All assistant attorneys general shall be employees of the Office of the Attorney General.
Source: SL 1973, ch 2, §296; SL 1974, ch 18, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 32 - Executive Reorganization--General Provisions And Definitions
Section 1-32-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 1-32-2 - Principal departments established.
Section 1-32-3 - Appointment and tenure of department heads.
Section 1-32-4 - Changes in organization or functions within departments.
Section 1-32-4.2 - Request to Governor--Contents.
Section 1-32-4.4 - Maximum duration of federally required agency--Extensions.
Section 1-32-4.5 - Internal councils and committees not prohibited.
Section 1-32-5 - Secretary's access to records within department--Restrictions on disclosure.
Section 1-32-6 - Appointment and removal of division directors--Qualifications for positions.
Section 1-32-8 - Assistant attorneys general as employees of attorney general's office.
Section 1-32-9 - Interim allocation of functions and resources--Recommendations to Legislature.
Section 1-32-10 - Repeals and amendments not implied.
Section 1-32-14 - Pending proceedings continued.