1-19-2.2. Maintenance and improvement of Verendrye plate site.
The State Historical Society Board of Trustees is responsible for maintaining and improving the memorial established pursuant to this chapter to commemorate the visit of the Verendrye brothers to central South Dakota and the planting of the Verendrye plate at Fort Pierre in March 1743.
Source: SL 1974, ch 9, §14; SL 2009, ch 1, §52.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 19 - Historic Sites And Monuments
Section 1-19-1 - Acceptance of Verendrye plate site.
Section 1-19-2.1 - Verendrye Memorial Commission abolished--Performance of functions.
Section 1-19-2.2 - Maintenance and improvement of Verendrye plate site.
Section 1-19-5 - Old Fort Pierre Chouteau site.
Section 1-19-6 - Acceptance of Oahe Chapel.
Section 1-19-7 - Acceptance of Savo monument site.
Section 1-19-8 - Board to hold sites and monuments for people of state.