1-18B-7. Publication and distribution agreements.
The State Historical Society Board of Trustees may enter into contract or agreement, with any society or organization within the state organized for the purpose of gathering and preserving facts relative to the history of the state or a portion thereof, to publish, sell, or distribute, or assist in publishing, selling, or distributing any publication issued by the board, as the board may deem advisable.
Source: SL 1974, ch 9, ยง8.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 18B - History And Historical Records
Section 1-18B-1 - Board defined.
Section 1-18B-2 - Board--Duties--Preservation and publication--Activities authorized.
Section 1-18B-3 - Employment of personnel by department secretary--Supplies and equipment.
Section 1-18B-4 - Board--Expenditures.
Section 1-18B-5 - Acceptance and administration of gifts and grants.
Section 1-18B-6 - Agreements for cooperation in board functions.
Section 1-18B-7 - Publication and distribution agreements.
Section 1-18B-8 - Board--Publications--Exchanges--Sales--Prices.
Section 1-18B-9 - Public records--Release to society--Prerequisites and conditions.
Section 1-18B-10 - Certified copies of documents as evidence.
Section 1-18B-11 - Certified copies of legal notices as evidence--Recording.
Section 1-18B-12 - Copies--Fees.
Section 1-18B-13 - Payment into treasury of fees and proceeds of sales.