South carolina constitution
Article XVII: miscellaneous matters
Section 1a

Every qualified elector is eligible to any office to be voted for, unless disqualified by age, as prescribed in this Constitution. No person may hold two offices of honor or profit at the same time, but any person holding another office may at the same time be an officer in the militia, member of a lawfully and regularly organized fire department, constable, or a notary public. The limitation above set forth "No person may hold two offices of honor or profit at the same time," does not apply to the circuit judges of the State under the circumstances stated in this section, but whenever it appears that any or all of the Justices of the Supreme Court are disqualified or otherwise prevented from presiding in any cause for the reasons set forth in Section 6 of Article V of the Constitution, the Chief Justice or in his stead the Senior Associate Justice when available shall designate the requisite number of circuit judges for the hearing and determination of the hearing. The limitation above set forth does not prohibit any officeholder from being a delegate to a constitutional convention.