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Section 24-5-10. Sheriff as custodian of jail; sheriff's liability for appointed jailer; receiving prisoners. - The sheriff shall have custody of the jail in his...
Section 24-5-12. Devolving certain duties concerning jails on governing body of county. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 24-5-10 or any other provision...
Section 24-5-20. Appointment of facility managers. - Except as otherwise provided, every sheriff in this State who...
Section 24-5-30. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 237, Section 91, eff June 11, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 24-5-30 was entitled "Appointment of jailer"...
Section 24-5-50. Keeping prisoners committed by coroner. - All sheriffs or governing bodies that have custody of the...
Section 24-5-60. Keeping prisoners committed by United States. - The sheriffs or governing bodies of the respective counties of...
Section 24-5-70. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 237, Section 91, eff June 11, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 24-5-70 was entitled "Use of United...
Section 24-5-80. Governing body to furnish certain items and services to all persons confined in jail. - The governing body of each county in this State shall...
Section 24-5-90. Discrimination in treatment of prisoners. - It is unlawful to discriminate in the treatment of prisoners...
Section 24-5-100. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 237, Section 91, eff June 11, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 24-5-100 was entitled "Impressing sufficient guard...
Section 24-5-110. Return to court of names of prisoners. - A facility manager shall make a return to the court...
Section 24-5-120. Facility manager's annual report on condition of jail. - A facility manager annually shall report to the governing body...
Section 24-5-130. Leaving jails unattended. - It shall be unlawful for any person charged with the...
Section 24-5-140 to 24-5-160. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 237, Section 91, eff June 11, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 24-5-140 was entitled "Houses of correction...
Section 24-5-170. Removal of prisoners in case of destruction of jail. - When a person is apprehended or in confinement according to...
Section 24-5-175. Unlawful operation of unmanned aerial vehicle near detention facility; penalties; exclusions. - (A) Except as provided in subsection (D), a person shall...
Section 24-5-200. Short title. - This article may be cited as the "Local Detention Facility...
Section 24-5-210. Mutual aid and assistance agreements between local detention facilities authorized. - (A) For purposes of this article, "local detention facility" means...
Section 24-5-220. Mutual aid and assistance agreements. - (A) Mutual aid and assistance agreements may include, but are...
Section 24-5-230. Construction of article. - (A) The provisions of this article shall not conflict with...
Section 24-5-300. Definitions. - For the purposes of this article: (1) "Reserve detention officer"...
Section 24-5-310. Appointment of reserve detention officers; criminal and background inquiry; oath, bond, and training requirement. - The director, in his discretion, may appoint the number of...
Section 24-5-320. Pre-service training; comprehensive test. - No reserve shall assume a detention officer function until he...
Section 24-5-330. Physical competence and capability. - Before final acceptance as a reserve, a candidate, at his...
Section 24-5-340. Additional requirements. - Additional requirements beyond those set out in this article may...
Section 24-5-350. Duties of reserve detention officer; supervision. - A reserve shall serve and function as detention officer only...
Section 24-5-360. Additional training to become full-time jailer or detention officer. - A reserve who has been in active status for at...
Section 24-5-370. Reserve identification card for former full-time detention officers. - A currently certified full-time detention officer who leaves his position...
Section 24-5-380. Uniforms and equipment; handguns. - The uniforms and equipment issued by the political entity shall...
Section 24-5-390. Workers' Compensation benefits. - Workers' compensation benefits may be provided for reserves by the...