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Section 14-1-10. "Property" defined. - The word "property," as used in this Title, includes property,...
Section 14-1-20. "Real property" and "real estate" defined. - The words "real property" and "real estate," as used in...
Section 14-1-30. "Personal property" defined. - The words "personal property," as used in this Title, include...
Section 14-1-40. "Clerk" defined. - The word "clerk", as used in this title, signifies the...
Section 14-1-50. Common law of England continues in effect. - All, and every part, of the common law of England,...
Section 14-1-60. Rules of construction. - The rule of common law that statutes in derogation of...
Section 14-1-70. Designation of the several courts of the State. - The following are courts of justice in this State: (1)...
Section 14-1-80. Jurisdiction of the several courts of the state, generally. - These courts shall exercise the jurisdiction now vested in them...
Section 14-1-90. Chief Justice of Supreme Court is administrative head; powers and duties; vacancy. - The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be the...
Section 14-1-95. Power of chief justice to adjust salary of judicial employees. - Effective July 1, 1985, the Chief Justice is empowered to...
Section 14-1-100. Rights in court not affected by race or color. - Whenever authority has heretofore been conferred by law upon any...
Section 14-1-110. Effect on process pending in any court of failure of court to sit on day appointed by law. - No process pending in any court shall be discontinued for...
Section 14-1-120. Case continued on adjournment. - All causes depending on the docket and undetermined at any...
Section 14-1-130. Disqualification of judge by reason of relationship to parties. - No judge or other judicial officer shall preside on the...
Section 14-1-140. Persons attending court exempt from arrest; mileage allowed per day. - All persons necessarily going to, attending on, or returning from,...
Section 14-1-150. Contempt of court; offenders to be heard. - In case any person shall commit any misbehavior or contempt...
Section 14-1-160. Breach of peace within hearing of court. - When any affray shall happen during the sitting of any...
Section 14-1-170. Filing of undertakings. - The various undertakings required to be given by this Title...
Section 14-1-180. Jurors for inferior courts in counties containing a city of more than 70,000. - In each county containing a city having more than seventy...
Section 14-1-190. Monies received by jurors constitute expense allowance. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any monies received by...
Section 14-1-200. Establishment of salaries of Supreme Court Justices, Court of Appeals, Circuit Court, and Family Court judges. - The General Assembly shall establish the salary of the Chief...
Section 14-1-201. Distribution of additional assessment charged to persons convicted of driving under influence of intoxicating liquors or drugs. - The revenue from the twelve dollar additional assessments imposed pursuant...
Section 14-1-202. Authority to collect or compromise a court-ordered delinquent debt. - (A) The clerk of the appropriate court, or county treasurer...
Section 14-1-203. Revenues from spousal and dependent children support actions. - The revenue from the fee set in Section 63-3-370(C) must...
Section 14-1-204. Distribution of filing fee paid for filing complaints or petitions in civil actions in a court of record. - (A) The one-hundred-dollar-filing fee for documents and actions described in...
Section 14-1-205. Disposition of costs, fees, fines, penalties, forfeitures, and other revenues; restitution charge to Victim Compensation Fund. - Except as provided in Sections 17-15-260, 34-11-90, and 56-5-4160, on...
Section 14-1-206. Additional assessment, general sessions or family court; remittance; disposition; annual audits. - (A) A person who is convicted of, pleads guilty or...
Section 14-1-207. Additional assessment, magistrates court; remittance; disposition; annual audits. - (A) A person who is convicted of, pleads guilty or...
Section 14-1-208. Additional assessment, municipal court; remittance; disposition; annual audits. - (A) A person who is convicted of, or pleads guilty...
Section 14-1-209. Payment of fine and assessment in installments. - (A) If a payment for a fine and assessment levied...
Section 14-1-210. Periodic audits of county and municipal treasurers and clerks of court to determine whether mandated fees collected and remitted; reports; collection and distribution of assessments, training. - (A) Based upon a random selection process, the State Auditor...
Section 14-1-211. General Sessions Court surcharge; fund retention for crime victim services; unused funds; reports; audits. - (A)(1) In addition to all other assessments and surcharges, a...
Section 14-1-211.5. Training and technical assistance. - The Department of Crime Victim Assistance Grants shall offer training...
Section 14-1-211.6. Crime victim funds; programmatic review and financial audit; cooperation with audit. - (A) If the State Auditor finds that any county treasurer,...
Section 14-1-212. Surcharges on fines; distribution. - (A) In addition to all other assessments and surcharges, a...
Section 14-1-213. Surcharge on monetary penalties imposed for drug offenses; apportionment and use of funds; examination of financial records by State Auditor. - (A) In addition to all other assessments and surcharges required...
Section 14-1-214. Payment of fines, fees, court costs by credit or debit card. - (A) Clerks of court, registers of deeds, magistrates, and municipal...
Section 14-1-215. Retired judges or justices may preside in certain courts. - A retired judge or justice from the Supreme Court, court...
Section 14-1-216. Prohibition against assignment of family court judge to circuit court; exceptions. - No active family court judge may be assigned to preside...
Section 14-1-217. Exemption from filing fees in actions brought pursuant to Sexually Violent Predator Act. - The State, or a person or entity acting on behalf...
Section 14-1-218. Allocation of deposits pursuant to Sections 14-1-206(C)(6), 14-1-207(C)(5) and 14-1-208(C)(5). - From the deposits made pursuant to Section 14-1-206(C)(6), Section 14-1-207(C)(5),...
Section 14-1-220. Transmittal of monies received from cost of court assessments; deposit of funds collected from offenders in restitution centers. - Each city recorder, mayor, or municipal clerk of court or...
Section 14-1-230. Recording of monthly submissions by State Treasurer; location and utilization of funds. - The State Treasurer shall record, before the last day of...
Section 14-1-235. Appointment of attorney in civil action. - A judge, court, or court official shall not appoint an...
Section 14-1-240. Surcharge on certain misdemeanor traffic offenses or nontraffic violations to fund training at South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. - Section terminates June 30, 2016. (A) In addition to all...