South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Coverage Of Public Officers And Employees Under Federal Social Security Act
Section 9-3-130. Submission of plans by political subdivisions; approval of plans by state agent.

Each political subdivision of the State is hereby authorized to submit for approval by the State agent a plan for extending the benefits of Title II of the Social Security Act, in conformity with applicable provisions of such act, to employees of such political subdivision. Each such plan and any amendment thereof shall be approved by the State agent if he finds that such plan, or such plan as amended, is in conformity with such requirements as are provided in regulations of the State agent, except that no such plan shall be approved unless:
(1) It is in conformity with the requirements of the Social Security Act and with the agreement entered into under Sections 9-3-110 and 9-3-120;
(2) It provides that all services which constitute employment as defined in Section 9-3-20 and are performed in the employ of the political subdivision by employees thereof, shall be covered by the plan;
(3) It specifies the source or sources from which the funds necessary to make the payments required by Sections 9-3-520 and 9-3-540 are expected to be derived and contains reasonable assurance that such sources will be adequate for such purpose;
(4) It provides for such methods of administration of the plan by the political subdivision as are found by the State agent to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the plan;
(5) It provides that the political subdivision will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the State agent may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the State agent or the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare of the United States may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; and
(6) It authorizes the State agent to terminate the plan in its entirety, in the discretion of the State agent, if he finds that there has been a failure to comply substantially with any provision contained in such plan, such termination to take effect at the expiration of such notice on such conditions as may be provided by regulations of the State agent and may be consistent with the provisions of the Social Security Act.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 61-221.13; 1954 (48) 1497.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 9 - Retirement Systems

Chapter 3 - Coverage Of Public Officers And Employees Under Federal Social Security Act

Section 9-3-10. Declaration of policy.

Section 9-3-20. Definitions.

Section 9-3-30. Exemptions.

Section 9-3-110. State agent may enter into agreement with Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare.

Section 9-3-120. Terms of agreement.

Section 9-3-130. Submission of plans by political subdivisions; approval of plans by state agent.

Section 9-3-140. Notice and hearing before disapproval or termination of plans.

Section 9-3-150. Referendum on social security coverage for persons under certain retirement systems.

Section 9-3-160. Social security coverage for justices and judges.

Section 9-3-310. Compensation of state agent.

Section 9-3-320. Charges or assessments against political subdivisions for expenses of administration.

Section 9-3-330. Collection of delinquent assessments or charges made against political subdivisions.

Section 9-3-340. Deposit and disbursement of funds derived from assessments or charges against political subdivisions.

Section 9-3-350. Rules and regulations.

Section 9-3-360. State agent shall make studies, reports, and recommendations.

Section 9-3-510. Contributions of state employees; collection; adjustments and refunds.

Section 9-3-520. Contributions of political subdivisions.

Section 9-3-530. Deductions from wages of employees of political subdivisions.

Section 9-3-540. Procedures for collection of delinquent contributions from political subdivisions.

Section 9-3-550. Contribution fund established; items to be deposited; administration.

Section 9-3-560. State Treasurer to be custodian of contribution fund; payment of warrants drawn on fund.

Section 9-3-570. Contribution fund to be kept separate; withdrawals; payments to Secretary of Treasury.

Section 9-3-580. Additional appropriations to contribution fund.