South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Child Custody And Visitation
Section 63-15-380. Assistance of law enforcement.

At the request of a prosecutor acting under Section 63-15-378, a law enforcement officer may take any lawful action reasonably necessary to locate a child or a party and assist a prosecutor with responsibilities under Section 63-15-378.
HISTORY: 2008 Act No. 361, Section 2.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 63 - South Carolina Children's Code

Chapter 15 - Child Custody And Visitation

Section 63-15-10. "Tender Years Doctrine" abolished.

Section 63-15-20. Religious faith.

Section 63-15-30. Child's preference.

Section 63-15-40. Consideration of domestic violence.

Section 63-15-50. Domestic violence and visitation; payment for treatment.

Section 63-15-60. De facto custodian.

Section 63-15-210. Definitions.

Section 63-15-220. Parenting plans.

Section 63-15-230. Final custody determination; considerations.

Section 63-15-240. Contents of order for custody affecting rights and responsibilities of parents; best interests of the child.

Section 63-15-250. Telephonic and electronic communication between minor child and parents.

Section 63-15-260. Equal access to educational and medical records of child by parents.

Section 63-15-300. Citation.

Section 63-15-302. Definitions.

Section 63-15-304. Exemption proceedings.

Section 63-15-306. Indian children proceedings exempt.

Section 63-15-308. Recognition of foreign country custody.

Section 63-15-310. Determinations binding.

Section 63-15-312. Jurisdiction issues take priority.

Section 63-15-314. Notice; proof of service; submission to jurisdiction.

Section 63-15-316. Immunity.

Section 63-15-318. Communication with out-of-state courts.

Section 63-15-320. Testimony of out-of-state witnesses.

Section 63-15-322. Request for hearing in another state; preservation of records.

Section 63-15-330. Basis for jurisdiction.

Section 63-15-332. Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.

Section 63-15-334. Custody modification by another state.

Section 63-15-336. Temporary jurisdiction.

Section 63-15-338. Notice; obligation to join party and right to intervene.

Section 63-15-340. Stays of other proceedings.

Section 63-15-342. Inconvenient forum.

Section 63-15-344. Unjustifiable jurisdiction.

Section 63-15-346. Information regarding other proceedings.

Section 63-15-348. Persons requested to appear.

Section 63-15-350. Definitions.

Section 63-15-352. Enforcement under Hague Convention.

Section 63-15-354. Enforcing other states' orders.

Section 63-15-356. Visitation.

Section 63-15-358. Registration of out-of-state custody order.

Section 63-15-360. Enforcement of registered order.

Section 63-15-362. Modification pending out-of-state.

Section 63-15-364. Enforcement petition.

Section 63-15-366. Service of petition and order.

Section 63-15-368. Physical custody of child.

Section 63-15-370. Warrant to take physical custody.

Section 63-15-372. Costs.

Section 63-15-374. Full faith and credit.

Section 63-15-376. Appeals.

Section 63-15-378. Remedies.

Section 63-15-380. Assistance of law enforcement.

Section 63-15-382. Assessment of assistance costs.

Section 63-15-390. Uniformity of application.

Section 63-15-392. Severability.

Section 63-15-394. Applicability to prior proceedings.

Section 63-15-400. Decisions on guardianship, custody, or visitation not to be based solely on person's blindness.

Section 63-15-410. Adoption petitions not to be denied solely because of person's blindness.

Section 63-15-420. Regulations.

Section 63-15-430. Definitions.

Section 63-15-500. Short title.

Section 63-15-502. Definitions.

Section 63-15-504. Remedies for noncompliance.

Section 63-15-506. Jurisdiction.

Section 63-15-508. Notice required of deploying parent.

Section 63-15-510. Notification required for change of address.

Section 63-15-512. General consideration in custody proceeding of parent's military service.

Section 63-15-514. Form of agreement.

Section 63-15-516. Nature of authority created by agreement.

Section 63-15-518. Modification of agreement.

Section 63-15-520. Power of attorney.

Section 63-15-522. Filing agreement or power of attorney with court.

Section 63-15-524. Proceeding for temporary custody order.

Section 63-15-526. Expedited hearing.

Section 63-15-528. Testimony by electronic means.

Section 63-15-530. Effect of prior judicial order or agreement.

Section 63-15-532. Grant of caretaking or decision-making authority to nonparent.

Section 63-15-534. Grant of limited contact.

Section 63-15-536. Nature of authority created by order.

Section 63-15-538. Content of temporary custody order.

Section 63-15-540. Order for child support.

Section 63-15-542. Modifying or terminating assignment or grant of custodial responsibility to nonparent.

Section 63-15-544. Procedure for terminating temporary grant of custodial responsibility established by agreement.

Section 63-15-546. Consent procedure for terminating temporary grant of custodial responsibility established by court order.

Section 63-15-548. Visitation before termination of temporary grant of custodial responsibility.

Section 63-15-550. Termination by operation of law of temporary grant of custodial responsibility established by court order.

Section 63-15-552. Uniformity of application and construction.

Section 63-15-554. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

Section 63-15-556. Savings clause.