South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 4 - Beer, Ale, Porter, And Wine
Section 61-4-510. Special retail beer and wine permits.

(A) In counties or municipalities where off-premises beer and wine permits are specifically authorized to be issued pursuant to Section 61-6-2010, in lieu of the retail permit fee required pursuant to Section 61-4-500, a retail dealer otherwise eligible for the retail permit under that section may elect to apply for a special version of that permit which allows sales for off-premises consumption without regard to the restrictions on the days or hours of sales provided in Sections 61-4-120, 61-4-130, and 61-4-140. The annual fee for this special retail permit is one thousand dollars.
(B) Revenue generated by the fees must be credited to the general fund of the State except that revenue generated by the fees within a county where a federal military base or installation has been closed, or is designated to be closed and where the federal facility has reduced its permanent civilian employment by seven hundred fifty or more jobs after December 31, 1990, for a period of ten years after the effective date of Chapter 12 of Title 31, must be credited to a special separate and distinct account with the State Fiscal Accountability Authority for support of a redevelopment authority created therein pursuant to Chapter 12 of Title 31. All other requirements for retail permits provided in Sections 61-2-120 and 61-4-500 apply to the special permits authorized by this section.
(C)(1) Immediately following the dissolution of a redevelopment authority pursuant to Section 31-12-100(A), the fees distributed to the dissolved redevelopment authority pursuant to subsection (B) must be distributed to the municipality or county in which the retailer who paid the fee is located. The revenue may only be used by the municipality or county for the following purposes:
(a) capital improvements to tourism-related buildings including, but not limited to, civic centers, convention centers, coliseums, aquariums, stadiums, marinas, parks, and recreational facilities;
(b) purchase or renovation of buildings which are historic properties as defined in Section 60-12-10(4) and (5);
(c) festivals which have a demonstrable and significant impact on tourism;
(d) acquiring fee and less than fee interest in land while it is still available to be held in perpetuity as wildlife preserves or believed to be needed by the public in the future for active and passive recreation uses and scenic easements, to include the following types of land: ocean, harbor, and pond frontage in the form of beaches, dunes, and adjoining backlands; barrier beaches; fresh and saltwater marshes and adjoining uplands; land for bicycle paths; land protecting existing and future; public water supply, well fields, highway buffering and aquifer recharge areas; and land for wildlife preserves; and land for future public recreational facilities;
(e) nourishment, renourishment (resanding) and maintenance of beaches;
(f) dune restoration, including the planting of grass, sea oats, or other vegetation useful in preserving the dune system;
(g) maintenance of public beach access;
(h) capital improvements to the beaches and beach related facilities, such as public parking areas for beach access; dune walkovers and rest room facilities, with or without changing rooms, at public beach parks; and
(i) construction and maintenance of drainage systems.
(2) The revenue may not be used for operating expenses of tourism-related buildings.
HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1; 1996 Act No. 462, Section 24A; 2003 Act No. 70, Section 5.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 61 - Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 4 - Beer, Ale, Porter, And Wine

Section 61-4-10. Nonalcoholic beverages defined.

Section 61-4-20. Sales without taxes levied.

Section 61-4-30. Cash sales.

Section 61-4-40. Credit sales prohibited.

Section 61-4-50. Sales to underage persons.

Section 61-4-60. False information about age.

Section 61-4-70. Posting signs.

Section 61-4-80. Purchase of beer or wine for a person to whom it cannot lawfully be sold.

Section 61-4-90. Transfer of beer or wine for underage person's consumption.

Section 61-4-100. Criminal charges brought against both seller and purchaser.

Section 61-4-110. Open containers in motor vehicle.

Section 61-4-120. Sunday sales; exception.

Section 61-4-130. Seizure of contraband beer or wine; retention of possession upon posting of cash bond; forfeiture of bond.

Section 61-4-140. Open containers on Sundays.

Section 61-4-150. Sales by unlicensed persons.

Section 61-4-160. Discount pricing for on-premises consumption.

Section 61-4-170. Beverages resembling vegetable, fruit, or soft drinks.

Section 61-4-180. Labeling.

Section 61-4-190. Warrants for unpaid penalties.

Section 61-4-200. Transfers of beer or wine.

Section 61-4-210. Temporary retail permits.

Section 61-4-220. Food service.

Section 61-4-230. Refusal to permit inspection.

Section 61-4-240. Temporary possession, consumption, or sale permits.

Section 61-4-250. Penalties.

Section 61-4-260. Monies received.

Section 61-4-270. Revocation of permits.

Section 61-4-300. "Producer" defined.

Section 61-4-310. Certificate of registration.

Section 61-4-320. Suspension or revocation of certificate of registration.

Section 61-4-330. Books and records audit.

Section 61-4-340. Shipping; brand registration.

Section 61-4-350. Seizure and sale of contraband beer or wine.

Section 61-4-360. Samples of wine.

Section 61-4-500. Applications.

Section 61-4-510. Special retail beer and wine permits.

Section 61-4-515. Motorsports entertainment, tennis, soccer, or baseball complex, permit for purchase and sale for on-premises consumption.

Section 61-4-520. Retail permits; requirements.

Section 61-4-525. Protests against issuance or renewal of permit; attendance at hearing; court costs; penalties.

Section 61-4-530. "Dry" political subdivisions in neighboring states.

Section 61-4-540. Issuance of permits; bonds.

Section 61-4-550. Special permits for use at fairs and special functions.

Section 61-4-560. Operation without a permit.

Section 61-4-570. Wine service for consumption on premises.

Section 61-4-580. Prohibited acts.

Section 61-4-590. Revocation or suspension of permits; department investigation and determination.

Section 61-4-600. Surrender of license.

Section 61-4-610. Unlawful sales.

Section 61-4-620. Permits for retail sale of beer and wine; Sunday sales permitted when establishment closes on Saturday for religious reasons.

Section 61-4-630. Sunday sales.

Section 61-4-700. Wine labeling.

Section 61-4-710. Labels, standards, and identity.

Section 61-4-720. Sale of wine by winery located in state; wine tastings.

Section 61-4-725. Wine sales by temporary permit; authorized hours.

Section 61-4-730. Sales by permitted wineries.

Section 61-4-735. Regulation of practices between wine manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, and retailers.

Section 61-4-736. Coupons and rebates for the purchase of wine.

Section 61-4-737. Wine tastings.

Section 61-4-740. Special orders for out-of-state wine.

Section 61-4-745. Transporting into and out of State for personal consumption; limits; labeling.

Section 61-4-747. Direct shipment to residents for personal consumption; licensing of out-of-state shippers; penalties.

Section 61-4-748. Certain wineries eligible for satellite location certificates.

Section 61-4-750. Adulterated wine.

Section 61-4-760. Inspection of out-of-state wine; wine packages.

Section 61-4-770. Wines containing more than sixteen and one-half percent alcohol.

Section 61-4-780. Penalties.

Section 61-4-900. Posting of retail permit.

Section 61-4-910. Penalties; revocation or suspension of permit.

Section 61-4-920. Penalties for violation of rule or regulation.

Section 61-4-930. Wholesaler advertising.

Section 61-4-940. Practices between manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer.

Section 61-4-942. Distribution agreements; prohibited acts.

Section 61-4-945. Coupons and rebates for the purchase of beer.

Section 61-4-950. Beer signs.

Section 61-4-960. Retailers of beer for off-premises consumption, beer tastings; penalties.

Section 61-4-1100. Prohibited practices.

Section 61-4-1110. Shipment and receipt of malt beverages.

Section 61-4-1115. Assignment of territory of beer brands binding on successor producer or primary American source of supply.

Section 61-4-1120. Jurisdiction of court to enjoin cancellation or termination.

Section 61-4-1130. Sale of beer wholesale interest.

Section 61-4-1140. Enforcement.

Section 61-4-1300. Territorial agreements.

Section 61-4-1310. Filings with the department.

Section 61-4-1320. Resale price agreements.

Section 61-4-1500. Breweries and wineries.

Section 61-4-1510. Permit applications.

Section 61-4-1515. Breweries; sales of beer for on- and off-premises consumption; penalties.

Section 61-4-1520. Violation of rule or regulation.

Section 61-4-1530. Operation of brewery or winery without permit.

Section 61-4-1540. Adoption of Chapter 21 of Title 12.

Section 61-4-1700. Definitions.

Section 61-4-1710. Permits.

Section 61-4-1720. Permit in lieu of certain other permits.

Section 61-4-1730. Taxation.

Section 61-4-1740. Authority of permittee.

Section 61-4-1750. Compliance with DHEC rules and regulations.

Section 61-4-1760. Off-premises sales or shipment.

Section 61-4-1770. Suspension or revocation of permit.

Section 61-4-1910. Definitions.

Section 61-4-1920. Keg registration requirements; underage transfer statement; returned kegs; deposit.

Section 61-4-1930. Possession of untagged keg; penalty.

Section 61-4-1940. Removal or alteration of tag; penalty.