A person desiring to purchase alcohol for any purpose set forth in Section 61-10-60 must sign a written printed statement giving his name, residence, occupation, the purpose for which he intends to use the alcohol, and a certification that the alcohol is purchased in good faith for this purpose only.
HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 61 - Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages
Section 61-10-10. Sales by wholesale druggists.
Section 61-10-20. Sales by retail druggists.
Section 61-10-30. Retail sales for medicinal purposes.
Section 61-10-40. Prescriptions.
Section 61-10-50. Form of prescriptions.
Section 61-10-60. Retail sales for artistic, scientific, or mechanical purposes.
Section 61-10-70. Written statement of purpose.
Section 61-10-80. Records retention.
Section 61-10-210. Manufacture from wood products or molasses.
Section 61-10-230. Sales or shipment of undenatured ethyl alcohol.
Section 61-10-240. Beverage or medicinal purposes.
Section 61-10-250. Storage in warehouses.
Section 61-10-270. Property forfeitures.