South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Planning By Local Governments
Section 6-7-20. Effect of chapter on certain planning organizations.

This chapter shall not have any effect upon the powers and duties of any planning organization, either local or regional, existing prior to July 3, 1967.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 14-342; 1967 (55) 863.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 7 - Planning By Local Governments

Section 6-7-10. Declaration of purpose.

Section 6-7-15. Church-related activities; zoning ordinances in single family residences.

Section 6-7-20. Effect of chapter on certain planning organizations.

Section 6-7-110. Authorization and geographic groupings for regional councils of government; participation by municipalities.

Section 6-7-120. Terms of regional council agreement.

Section 6-7-130. Members of regional council; representatives on policy-making body.

Section 6-7-140. Powers and duties of regional councils.

Section 6-7-150. Cooperation with and acceptance of funds from other agencies.

Section 6-7-155. Disbursement of funds to regional councils of government.

Section 6-7-157. Spending plan prior to receipt of funds by regional council; annual audit.

Section 6-7-160. Employment of staff and expert assistance.

Section 6-7-170. Appropriation of funds for expenses of council; audit; annual report.

Section 6-7-180. Appropriation of funds, facilities and equipment for council by political subdivisions.

Section 6-7-185. Allocation of appropriation to regional councils.

Section 6-7-190. Councils declared to be public agencies; exemption from taxation; participation in State Retirement System; services of State Purchasing Department.

Section 6-7-200. Duties of local or regional councils organized under other laws.

Section 6-7-210. Certain laws shall not be invalidated by article.

Section 6-7-1210. "Official map" defined.

Section 6-7-1220. Authorization for and purpose of official maps.

Section 6-7-1230. Establishment of official map.

Section 6-7-1240. Creation of maps by planning commission showing recommended lines of streets or highways, public building sites, public utilities or public open space.

Section 6-7-1250. Adoption of and hearing on map of proposed boundary lines.

Section 6-7-1260. Procedure for making additions and modifications to map.

Section 6-7-1270. No permits for construction or change in land use allowed within mapped lines; procedure for appeal.

Section 6-7-1280. Procedure for obtaining exemption of property from restrictions of official map.