South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 25 - Joint Authority Water And Sewer Systems Act
Section 6-25-111. Issuance, sale, and execution of bonds; use of proceeds; issuance of temporary bonds; replacement of bonds.

(A) A joint system may issue bonds for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of any of the purposes authorized in this chapter. The principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the bonds are payable solely from the respective funds provided for such payment by this chapter. The bonds of each issue may be sold at public or private sale. The bonds may be sold at a price, and must bear interest at a rate, as may be determined by the commission of the joint system. The bonds of each issue must be dated and must mature in amounts and at times not exceeding fifty years from their respective dates, as may be determined by the commission of the joint system, and may be made redeemable before maturity at a price and under terms and conditions as may be fixed by the commission of the joint system before the issuance of the bonds. The commission of the joint system shall determine the form and the manner of execution of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached to them, and shall fix the denomination of the bonds and the place of payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or trust company within or without the State. In case any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be an officer before the delivery of the bonds, the signature of the facsimile is nevertheless valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until the delivery. The commission of the joint system also may provide for the authentication of the bonds by a trustee or fiscal agent. The bonds may be issued in coupon or in fully registered form, or both, as the commission of the joint system may determine, and provisions may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to the principal alone and also as to both principal and interest; and for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest, and for the interchange of registered and coupon bonds.
(B) The proceeds of the bonds of each issue may be used solely for the purposes for which the bonds are issued, and must be disbursed in a manner and under restrictions, if any, as the commission of the joint system may provide in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in any trust agreement securing them. The joint system may issue interim receipts or temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds when the bonds have been executed and are available for delivery. The joint system also may provide for the replacement of any bonds which have become mutilated or have been destroyed or lost.
(C) Bonds may be issued under provisions of this chapter without obtaining the consent or approval of the State or any political subdivision or any agency, commission, or instrumentality of them, but no joint system shall undertake any project required to be financed, in whole or in part, with the proceeds of bonds without the approval of the governing bodies of members as prescribed in Section 6-25-110.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 456, Section 6; 1997 Act No. 74, Section 5; 2007 Act No. 59, Section 1, eff June 6, 2007.
Effect of Amendment
The 2007 amendment, in subsection (A), in the first sentence deleted "at one time or from time to time its" preceding "bonds".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 25 - Joint Authority Water And Sewer Systems Act

Section 6-25-5. Legislative findings.

Section 6-25-10. Short title.

Section 6-25-20. Definitions.

Section 6-25-25. Authority to purchase, construct, etc., facilities.

Section 6-25-30. Creation of joint systems.

Section 6-25-35. Extension of provisions applicable to water.

Section 6-25-40. Notice of ordinance or resolution creating system; objections; exception.

Section 6-25-50. Agreement as to number of commissioners each member may appoint; application filed with Secretary of State; corporate certificate.

Section 6-25-60. Joint system to be managed and controlled by commission; appointment of commissioners; oath; records; seal; quorum; vacancies; expenses.

Section 6-25-70. Change in membership of joint system.

Section 6-25-80. Dissolution of system.

Section 6-25-90. Executive committee; composition; powers; terms of office; vacancies; filing notice of change with Secretary of State.

Section 6-25-100. Powers of joint system.

Section 6-25-110. Authorization to incur debt and issue bonds.

Section 6-25-111. Issuance, sale, and execution of bonds; use of proceeds; issuance of temporary bonds; replacement of bonds.

Section 6-25-112. Trust agreements or resolutions providing for issuance of bonds.

Section 6-25-113. Revenues from which bonds payable; statement of restriction.

Section 6-25-114. Issuance of refunding bonds.

Section 6-25-115. Financing pools and construction notes.

Section 6-25-120. Repayment of notes, obligations, or bonds.

Section 6-25-125. Charges for services; pledges.

Section 6-25-126. Temporary investment of funds pending disbursements.

Section 6-25-127. Enforcement of bondholder and construction note holder rights.

Section 6-25-128. Contracts between authority and joint system; duration.

Section 6-25-129. Governmental functions; state tax exemption.

Section 6-25-130. Employment or appointment of personnel; rights, privileges, and benefits.

Section 6-25-131. Restriction as to who may benefit from joint system income, profit or assets; exception.

Section 6-25-140. Annual system audit; reports.

Section 6-25-145. Investment by fiduciaries in bonds and construction notes.

Section 6-25-150. Contracts with federal and state government and agencies.

Section 6-25-155. Bonds, interest coupons and construction notes as investment securities.

Section 6-25-160. Tax status of evidences of indebtedness issued by joint system.

Section 6-25-170. Construction of chapter.