South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 24 - Joint Agency Act
Section 6-24-30. Power to enter into agreements with other governmental entities.

(A) In addition and supplemental to other powers granted to governmental entities of the State, a governmental entity may:
(1) jointly plan, finance, develop, acquire, purchase, construct, reconstruct, improve, enlarge, own, operate, and maintain an undivided interest as a tenant-in-common in a project situated inside or outside the State with one or more governmental entities in this State and make plans and enter into contracts in connection with the project consistent with the provisions of this chapter and necessary or appropriate;
(2) undertake the exercise of any administrative function or power jointly with one or more governmental entities in this State and make plans and enter into contracts in connection with that exercise consistent with the provisions of this chapter and necessary or appropriate;
(3) enter into, amend, and terminate agreements in the nature of forward supply agreements, agreements for the management of interest rate risks or risks posed by the fluctuation of the cost of gas supplies, agreements for the management of cash flow, and other similar agreements; and
(4) agree to share the costs of a like undertaking with another governmental entity as is appropriate.
(B) Each governmental entity agreeing to act jointly shall have the legal capacity, power, and authority, by charter, act, constitution, or other law, to so act on its own. This section does not grant any authorization other than as is specifically provided. Each governmental entity may make plans and enter into contracts severally in connection with the projects described consistent with the provisions of this chapter and necessary or appropriate.
(C) Governmental entities which become tenants-in-common pursuant to this section may waive by contract their right of partition, either in kind or by sale. The power and right to enter into agreements to waive the right of judicial partition authorized by this section are in addition to powers and rights authorized elsewhere.
HISTORY: 2003 Act No. 8, Section 2, eff April 21, 2003.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 24 - Joint Agency Act

Section 6-24-10. Title.

Section 6-24-20. Definitions.

Section 6-24-30. Power to enter into agreements with other governmental entities.

Section 6-24-40. Creation of joint agency; finding of best interest; notice of adoption.

Section 6-24-50. Appointment of representatives; application to Secretary of State; issuance and legal effect of corporate certificate.

Section 6-24-60. Board of directors; election of officers; quorum; compensation.

Section 6-24-70. Additional governmental entities; withdrawal of members; modification of composition of board of directors; filing of notice.

Section 6-24-80. Dissolution.

Section 6-24-90. Executive committee.

Section 6-24-100. Rights and powers of joint agency.

Section 6-24-110. Contracts between joint agencies and governmental entities.

Section 6-24-120. Power to incur debt and enter into supply and financial management agreements.

Section 6-24-130. Assurance of payment of principal or interest on bonds.

Section 6-24-140. Issuance of bonds; use of proceeds.

Section 6-24-150. Trust agreements for issuance of bonds.

Section 6-24-160. Payment of bonds, expenses and other obligations; pledge and resulting lien.

Section 6-24-170. Investment of monies from bond.

Section 6-24-180. Enforcement of bonds.

Section 6-24-190. Bonds as investment securities.

Section 6-24-200. Investment in bonds by guardians and other fiduciaries.

Section 6-24-210. Bonds as special obligations; revenues pledged to payment.

Section 6-24-220. Issuance of refunding bonds.

Section 6-24-230. Rights of personnel.

Section 6-24-240. Annual report; audit.

Section 6-24-250. Contracts with federal and other state government agencies; grants and loans.

Section 6-24-260. Eminent domain.

Section 6-24-270. Immunity from personal liability.

Section 6-24-280. Relation of Chapter to existing laws.

Section 6-24-290. Construction.

Section 6-24-300. Limitation on retail sales of services.