South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 23 - Joint Municipal Electric Power And Energy Act
Section 6-23-70. Board of directors; new members of joint agency; withdrawal from and dissolution of joint agency.

(a) The management and control of a joint agency shall be vested in a board of directors. The governing body of each member municipality of a joint agency shall appoint a representative, as provided in Section 6-23-80 who shall be a director of the joint agency. The representative, at the discretion of the municipality, may be an officer or employee of the municipality and may also serve ex officio as a member of the board of directors of the joint agency. Each director shall have not less than one vote and may have, in addition thereto, such additional votes as a majority of the members of the joint agency shall determine. Each director shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body by which he was appointed. Each appointed director, before entering upon his duties, shall take and subscribe to an oath before a person authorized by law to administer oaths to execute the duties of his office faithfully and impartially, and a record of each such oath shall be filed with the governing body of the appointing municipality.
The board of directors of the joint agency shall annually elect, with each representative of member municipalities having one vote, one of the directors as chairman, another as vice chairman and another person or persons who may but need not be directors as treasurer, secretary, and, if desired, assistant secretary. The office of treasurer may be held by the secretary or assistant secretary. The board of directors may also appoint such additional officers as it deems necessary. The secretary or assistant secretary of the joint agency shall keep a record of the proceedings of the joint agency, and the secretary shall be the custodian of all books, records, documents and papers filed with the joint agency, the minute book or journal of the joint agency and its official seal.
A majority of the directors of the joint agency then in office shall constitute a quorum. A vacancy on the board of directors of the joint agency shall not impair the right of a quorum to exercise all rights and perform all the duties of a joint agency. Any action taken by the joint agency under the provisions of this chapter may be authorized by resolution at any regular or special meeting held pursuant to notice in accordance with bylaws of the joint agency, and each such resolution shall take effect immediately and need not be published or posted. Except as is otherwise provided in this act or in the bylaws of the joint agency, a majority of the votes which the directors present are entitled to cast, with a quorum present, shall be necessary and sufficient to take any action or to pass any resolution. No director of a joint agency shall receive any compensation for the performance of duties hereunder, provided, however, that each director may be paid per diem and subsistence expenses incurred while engaged in the performance of such duties.
(b) After the creation of a joint agency, any other municipality may become a member thereof (1) upon application to such joint agency; (2) upon compliance with the provisions of Section 6-23-20; and (3) with the unanimous consent of the members of the joint agency evidenced by the resolutions of their respective governing bodies. Notice of additional members shall be given to the Public Service Commission.
(c) Any municipality may withdraw from the joint agency, provided, however, that all contractual rights acquired and contractual obligation incurred by a municipality while such municipality was a member shall remain in full force and effect.
Whenever the board of directors of a joint agency and the governing body of each of its member municipalities shall by resolution or ordinance determine that the purposes for which the joint agency was formed have been substantially fulfilled and that all bonds theretofore issued and all other obligations theretofore incurred by the joint agency have been fully paid or satisfied, such board of directors and governing bodies may declare the joint agency to be dissolved. On the effective date of such resolution or ordinance, the title to all funds and other property owned by the joint agency at the time of such dissolution shall vest in the member municipalities of the joint agency as provided in this chapter and the bylaws of the joint agency.
HISTORY: 1978 Act No. 473, Section 8; 1979 Act No. 176, Sections 4, 5.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 23 - Joint Municipal Electric Power And Energy Act

Section 6-23-10. Short title.

Section 6-23-20. Definitions.

Section 6-23-30. Planning, construction, and ownership of electric distribution facilities.

Section 6-23-40. Determination by municipalities that joint agency is in their best interests; factors; publication; challenge in court.

Section 6-23-50. Formation of joint agency; certificate as proof of existence.

Section 6-23-60. Filing of petition prior to acquisition of project; action by Commission; appeal.

Section 6-23-70. Board of directors; new members of joint agency; withdrawal from and dissolution of joint agency.

Section 6-23-80. Executive committee.

Section 6-23-90. Rights and powers of joint agency.

Section 6-23-100. Electric generating facilities as interrelated; responsibility for dispatching capacity and output and scheduling maintenance of project.

Section 6-23-110. Municipalities may contract to buy power; terms of contract; sources of payment; advances.

Section 6-23-130. Issuance of bonds authorized.

Section 6-23-140. Approval of projects financed by bonds; terms of bonds; proceeds; replacement of lost or destroyed bonds.

Section 6-23-150. Trust agreements.

Section 6-23-160. Rents, rates, fees and charges; validity and lien of pledge.

Section 6-23-170. Investment of moneys pending disbursement.

Section 6-23-180. Legal action by bond holder and trustee.

Section 6-23-190. Bonds and interest coupons designated investment securities.

Section 6-23-200. Investment in bonds lawful.

Section 6-23-210. Bonds to be special obligations; payment thereof.

Section 6-23-220. Issuance of refunding bonds authorized.

Section 6-23-230. Bonds tax exempt.

Section 6-23-235. Applicability of franchise and permit requirements.

Section 6-23-240. Certification required.

Section 6-23-250. Projects and power as subject to taxation.

Section 6-23-260. Rights and privileges of personnel.

Section 6-23-270. Annual reports; audits.

Section 6-23-280. Participation of joint agency in grant-in-aid and loan programs.

Section 6-23-290. Eminent domain.

Section 6-23-300. Immunity of directors, officers and their agents.

Section 6-23-310. Immunity of joint agencies waived and withdrawn.

Section 6-23-320. Powers cumulative; bonds for financing private facilities not authorized.

Section 6-23-330. Liberal construction; savings clause.

Section 6-23-335. Provision, distribution, marketing, or sale by joint agency of energy or service to retail customers.

Section 6-23-340. Legal and binding effect of existing contracts.