South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 16 - Solid Waste Disposal Resource Recovery Facilities Act
Section 6-16-190. Waiver of immunity from suit.

The General Assembly waives and withdraws from the joint agencies authorized by this chapter their immunity from suit of every kind and description whether the suit is in tort, contract or otherwise when the suits arise out of or are in any way connected with the development, ownership, operation, maintenance or otherwise of a project or the doing, or failure to do, of anything authorized by this chapter.
HISTORY: 1980 Act No. 491, Section 20.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 16 - Solid Waste Disposal Resource Recovery Facilities Act

Section 6-16-10. Short title.

Section 6-16-20. Definitions.

Section 6-16-30. Powers of joint agency; action by single governing body.

Section 6-16-40. Creation of joint agency; findings prerequisite to creation; notice.

Section 6-16-50. Representatives to joint agency; application to Secretary of State; Secretary to examine application; corporate certificate; agency deemed valid.

Section 6-16-60. Board of directors; voting; election of chairman and other officers; quorum.

Section 6-16-70. Admission of new members to agency; withdrawal; notice of membership change.

Section 6-16-80. Dissolution of agency.

Section 6-16-90. Executive committee.

Section 6-16-100. Rights and powers of joint agency.

Section 6-16-105. Requirements for joint agency member to contract for solid waste services with joint agency.

Section 6-16-110. Agency may incur debt and issue bonds.

Section 6-16-120. Approval of governing bodies required for projects financed by bonds.

Section 6-16-130. Status of joint agency personnel; participation in South Carolina Retirement System.

Section 6-16-140. Annual report.

Section 6-16-150. Board may enter contracts and accept grants and loans.

Section 6-16-160. Eminent domain.

Section 6-16-170. Enumerated powers deemed supplemental to existing laws.

Section 6-16-180. Chapter to be liberally construed.

Section 6-16-190. Waiver of immunity from suit.