As used in this chapter:
(1) "AC" means alternating current as measured at the point of interconnection of the small power producer's facility to the interconnecting electrical utility's transmission or distribution system.
(2) "Avoided costs" means the incremental costs to an electric utility of electric energy or capacity or both which, but for the purchase from the qualifying facility or qualifying facilities, such utility would generate itself or purchase from another source.
(3) "Commission" means the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
(4) "Electrical utility" is defined as set forth in Section 58-27-10(7), provided, however, that electrical utilities serving less than one hundred thousand customer accounts must be exempt from the provisions of this chapter. A renewable energy supplier participating in an electrical utility's voluntary renewable energy program pursuant to this chapter must not be considered an electrical utility for purposes of this chapter.
(5) "Eligible customer" means a retail customer with a new or existing contract demand greater than or equal to one megawatt at a single-metered location or aggregated across multiple-metered locations.
(6) "Generation credit" means a credit applied by an electrical utility to the bill of a participating customer that is equal to the value of the energy and capacity avoided by the electrical utility as a result of procuring energy and capacity from a renewable energy facility.
(7) "Participating customer" means an eligible customer that elects to have a portion or all of its electricity needs supplied by a voluntary renewable energy program.
(8) "Participating customer agreement" means an agreement between a participating customer, its electrical utility, and the renewable energy supplier establishing each party's rights and obligations under the electrical utility's voluntary renewable energy program.
(9) "Power purchase agreement" means an agreement between an electrical utility and a small power producer for the purchase and sale of energy, capacity, and ancillary services from the small power producer's qualifying small power production facility.
(10) "PURPA" means the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended.
(11) "Renewable energy contract" means a power purchase agreement between an electrical utility and a renewable energy supplier that commits the parties to participating in an electrical utility's voluntary renewable energy program for the purchase and sale of energy and capacity.
(12) "Renewable energy facility" means a facility for the production of electrical energy that utilizes a renewable generation resource as defined in Section 58-39-120(F), that is placed in service after the effective date of this chapter, and for which costs are not included in an electrical utility's rates.
(13) "Renewable energy supplier" means the owner or operator of a renewable energy facility, including the affiliate of an electrical utility that contracts with a participating customer.
(14) "Small power producer" means a person or corporation owning or operating a "qualifying small power production facility" as defined in 16 U.S.C. Section 796, as amended.
(15) "Standard offer" means the avoided cost rates, power purchase agreement, and terms and conditions approved by the commission and applicable to purchases of energy and capacity by electrical utilities as provided in this chapter from small power producers up to two megawatts AC in size.
(16) "Voluntary renewable energy program" means a tariff filed with the commission by an electrical utility that enables a participating commercial or industrial customer to receive and pay for electric service, that reflects the program cost, and that includes the environmental attributes specified in the participating customer agreement and renewable energy contract, including a generation credit for such renewable energy, from the electrical utility pursuant to the terms of the tariff.
HISTORY: 2019 Act No. 62 (H.3659), Section 1, eff May 16, 2019.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 58 - Public Utilities, Services and Carriers
Chapter 41 - Renewable Energy Programs
Section 58-41-05. Directions to commission.
Section 58-41-10. Definitions.
Section 58-41-30. Voluntary renewable energy programs.
Section 58-41-40. Neighborhood community solar programs; review of programs; recovery of costs.