South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Railroad, Street Railway, Steamboat And Canal Companies
Section 58-15-1540. Eliminated crossings shall be closed.

Such crossings as are eliminated by virtue of this article shall be closed as public highways or travel places.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 58-804; 1952 Code Section 58-804; 1942 Code Section 8228; 1932 Code Section 8270; Civ. C. '22 Section 4818; 1920 (31) 1124; 1935 (39) 25.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 58 - Public Utilities, Services and Carriers

Chapter 15 - Railroad, Street Railway, Steamboat And Canal Companies

Section 58-15-10. Petition for incorporation of railroad, street railway, steamboat or canal company.

Section 58-15-20. Publication of notice of application.

Section 58-15-30. Opponents of application may appear; action on application.

Section 58-15-40. Issuance of commission to incorporators; authorization for opening books of subscription after giving of notice.

Section 58-15-50. Manner in which subscriptions shall be payable; action against subscriber for failure to perform.

Section 58-15-60. Organization of company.

Section 58-15-70. Filing and contents of incorporators' return.

Section 58-15-80. Effect of failure to file return within twelve months.

Section 58-15-90. Issuance of charter.

Section 58-15-100. Recordation and filing of charter and other documents.

Section 58-15-110. Effect of irregularity in incorporation.

Section 58-15-120. Incorporators shall turn over subscription lists and other papers to corporation.

Section 58-15-130. Forfeiture of charter for failure to commence or complete construction or operation within certain time.

Section 58-15-140. Capital stock shall not be issued until price paid; exception.

Section 58-15-150. Railroads may issue no par common stock.

Section 58-15-160. Manner in which charters may be amended.

Section 58-15-170. Stockholders' meeting shall authorize amendment.

Section 58-15-180. Stockholders' preemptive right.

Section 58-15-190. Duration of charters.

Section 58-15-200. Fees shall be paid into State Treasury.

Section 58-15-210. Charters subject to repeal, alteration or amendment.

Section 58-15-220. Reserved right of taxation.

Section 58-15-240. Fictitious increase of stock or indebtedness shall be void.

Section 58-15-250. Stockholder entitled to one vote for each share of stock held or owned by him.

Section 58-15-260. Stock transfer shall be valid, except between parties, only if entered on corporation's books.

Section 58-15-270. Stockholder's right to inspect books.

Section 58-15-410. Powers of canal companies.

Section 58-15-420. Rights to compensation for damages not affected.

Section 58-15-430. Canal companies may mortgage property and franchises and issue bonds.

Section 58-15-440. State may acquire property of canal companies.

Section 58-15-450. Transfer or other disposition of canal rights of State.

Section 58-15-610. Steamboat companies may exact tolls for use of wharves or landings.

Section 58-15-710. Bicycles and baby carriages deemed baggage.

Section 58-15-720. Toilet facilities.

Section 58-15-810. Protection of private crossings over railroads.

Section 58-15-820. Wilful obstruction of railroad or electric railway.

Section 58-15-830. Placing explosives on railroad rails.

Section 58-15-840. Taking or removing brasses, bearings, waste or packing from railroad cars.

Section 58-15-850. Breaking and entering or shooting into cars.

Section 58-15-860. Injuring or destroying electric signals or other structures or mechanisms.

Section 58-15-870. Injury to railroad or electric railway; penalties.

Section 58-15-875. Unlawful to purchase, sell, or transport railroad track materials for recycling; method of payment; penalties.

Section 58-15-880. Riotous or disorderly conduct on trains; ejection.

Section 58-15-890. Use in advertisement of cross usually used as crossing sign by railroads.

Section 58-15-900. Making, selling or purchasing duplicate railroad switch keys.

Section 58-15-910. Bell and whistle shall be installed on locomotives and sounded at crossings.

Section 58-15-920. Lien of judgments for certain injuries.

Section 58-15-930. Liability of railroads having relief departments.

Section 58-15-940. Fiscal year for railroads.

Section 58-15-950. Reports to conform to fiscal year.

Section 58-15-960. Time for filing annual reports.

Section 58-15-1110. Violation by railroads of Interstate Commerce Act shall be unlawful.

Section 58-15-1120. County where violation deemed committed.

Section 58-15-1130. Taking part in violations shall be unlawful.

Section 58-15-1140. Each violation shall constitute a separate offense.

Section 58-15-1510. Commission may provide rules and regulations with reference to crossing.

Section 58-15-1520. Investigation of crossings requiring overpass or underpass.

Section 58-15-1530. Payment of expense of elimination or relocation of grade crossings.

Section 58-15-1540. Eliminated crossings shall be closed.

Section 58-15-1610. Definitions.

Section 58-15-1620. Application of article.

Section 58-15-1625. Department of Transportation authorized to eliminate railroad grade crossings.

Section 58-15-1630. Notice to railroad and effort to agree on plan for elimination of grade crossing.

Section 58-15-1640. Procedure when agreement shall not be reached.

Section 58-15-1650. Railroad company may select materials; minimum standards.

Section 58-15-1660. Division of costs.

Section 58-15-1670. Specifications as to overhead bridges and approaches.

Section 58-15-1680. Underpasses and overhead bridges shall meet specifications of Department of Transportation.

Section 58-15-1690. Time within which railroad shall commence work; effect of failure so to do.

Section 58-15-1700. Appeal to Commission and to court.

Section 58-15-1710. Direct appeal to court.

Section 58-15-1720. Construction pending appeal.

Section 58-15-1730. Continuance of crossings as private crossings.

Section 58-15-1740. Special agreements.

Section 58-15-1910. Department of Transportation shall cooperate in relation to grade separation structures.

Section 58-15-1920. Necessity of work shall be determined by Department; notice to companies.

Section 58-15-1930. Apportionment of costs.

Section 58-15-1940. Grade separation structures to which article shall apply.

Section 58-15-1950. Appeal to Supreme Court; stay of construction.

Section 58-15-2110. Railroads shall construct and maintain grade crossings of highways.

Section 58-15-2120. Department of Transportation may make specifications and enter into agreements concerning grade crossings of State highways; penalties may be waived by Department.

Section 58-15-2130. Penalty for noncompliance.

Section 58-15-2140. Article shall not affect certain penalties.