Every railroad company or other corporation, the servant, agent or employee of which shall, in any manner, obstruct any street, public road or highway, shall be liable to pay any fine which may be assessed against such servant, agent or employee for so obstructing such street, public road or highway. Such liability may be enforced by execution against such railroad company or other corporation on the judgment rendered against such servant, agent or employee for so obstructing such street, public road or highway.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 33-497; 1952 Code Section 33-497; 1942 Code Section 5830; 1932 Code Section 5830; Civ. C. '22 Section 2923; Civ. C '12 Section 1948; 1902 (23) 1008.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 7 - Obstruction Or Damage To Roads Or Drainage
Section 57-7-10. Negligent, willful, or wanton damage to highways.
Section 57-7-20. Putting foreign substances on highways.
Section 57-7-30. Use of chains on motor vehicles.
Section 57-7-40. Injuring milepost or milestone.
Section 57-7-50. Cutting trenches or laying pipes or tracks in state highways or bridges; permit.
Section 57-7-60. Excavating in highways not in state highway system; permit.
Section 57-7-70. Permit not required for municipality owning waterworks or sewerage outside limits.
Section 57-7-80. Use of vehicles or loads that drag on road.
Section 57-7-90. Unlawful to camp within right-of-way of a highway; penalty.
Section 57-7-210. Obstructions in highways.
Section 57-7-220. Removal of obstructions in highways.
Section 57-7-230. Speed-control devices in certain areas not deemed obstructions.
Section 57-7-240. Obstruction of roads by railroad cars and other obstacles.
Section 57-7-250. Obstruction of drainage or emptying water in road by railroads.
Section 57-7-260. Liability of corporations for obstructions by their agents.