No person shall establish, operate or maintain a junkyard, any portion of which is within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of the interstate or federal aid primary system, without obtaining a permit from the department. No permit shall be issued under the provisions of this section, except for those junkyards which conform to one or more of the exceptions in Section 57-27-40. The department shall charge a fee of twenty-five dollars for the issuance of the permit and the permit shall be renewed annually at no additional fee and shall remain in effect until revoked by the department after attaining an injunction from the court of common pleas to abate the junkyard as a nuisance or upon conviction of a violation under the provisions of Section 57-27-80. No permit shall be required before January 1, 1979.
HISTORY: 1978 Act No. 530 Section 4.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Section 57-27-10. Short title.
Section 57-27-20. Definitions.
Section 57-27-30. Declaration of purpose.
Section 57-27-40. Junkyards prohibited within 1,000 feet of certain highways; exceptions.
Section 57-27-45. Operating junkyard within proscribed areas without permit; permits.
Section 57-27-55. Maintenance of screening.
Section 57-27-57. Parking motor vehicles adjacent to junk yard.
Section 57-27-60. Promulgation of regulations.
Section 57-27-70. Acquisition of lands for relocation, removal, disposal or screening of junkyards.
Section 57-27-90. Agreements with United States Secretary of Commerce as to control of junkyards.