On the prosecution or trial of any indictment under the provisions of this chapter a copy of the articles of the ship or vessel, authenticated by the affidavit of the captain, sworn to before any notary public or magistrate of this State, shall be admissible in evidence and shall be sufficient to establish the fact that any seaman whose name appears subscribed thereto has signed the agreement contained in such articles until the contrary be made to appear by proof.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 54-355; 1952 Code Section 54-355; 1942 Code Section 1929; 1932 Code Section 1929; Cr. C. '22 Section 912; Cr. C. '12 Section 902; Cr. C. '02 Section 616; G. S. 1056; R. S. 498; 1837 (6) 577; 1850 (13) 171.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters
Chapter 9 - Offenses Relating To Seamen
Section 54-9-10. Harboring deserting seamen or enticing them to desert.
Section 54-9-20. Magistrate may order search for harbored, secreted or detained seamen.
Section 54-9-30. Provisions regarding harboring deserting seamen extend to all shipping agreements.
Section 54-9-40. Admissibility of articles of ship in evidence.
Section 54-9-60. Procurers of seamen shall not board vessels without permission of master.
Section 54-9-70. Master may arrest procurers boarding without permission.
Section 54-9-80. Repealed by 1993 Act No. 184, Section 264, eff January 1, 1994.