South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Pilots And Pilotage
Section 54-15-30. South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Upper Coastal Region; election of officers.

The South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Upper Coastal Area shall elect annually from among its body a chairman and a secretary. The officers shall serve until their successors have been duly elected. But no branch or licensed pilot for Georgetown shall be elected or serve as chairman.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 56-1403; 1952 Code Section 56-1403; 1942 Code Section 6683; 1932 Code Section 6683; Civ. C. '22 Section 3581; Civ. C. '12 Section 2471; Civ. C. '02 Section 1617; G. S. 1260, 1286; R. S. 1358; 1873 (15) 440; 1880 (17) 455; 1881 (17) 607; 1883 (18) 303; 1888 (20) 61; 1897 (22) 417; 1923 (33) 153; 1933 (38) 60; 1958 (50) 1624; 2006 Act No. 237, Section 1, eff March 17, 2006.
Effect of Amendment
The 2006 amendment in the first sentence substituted "South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Upper Coastal Region" for "Commissioners of Pilotage for the port of Georgetown" and "elect annually" for ", from time to time, elect"; at the end of the second sentence deleted "by the board of commissioners of pilotage" and in the third sentence deleted "the port of" preceding "Georgetown" and "of such board" following "chairman".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters

Chapter 15 - Pilots And Pilotage

Section 54-15-10. South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Upper Coastal Area; South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Lower Coastal Area; jurisdiction; regulations.

Section 54-15-20. South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Upper Coastal Area; appointment of members; terms; vacancies.

Section 54-15-30. South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the Upper Coastal Region; election of officers.

Section 54-15-40. South Carolina Commissioners for the Lower Coastal Area; members; terms; vacancies.

Section 54-15-50. Board of examination for Upper Coastal Area; duties.

Section 54-15-60. Board of examiners for Lower Coastal Area; examination and licensing of applicants.

Section 54-15-70. Omitted by 2006 Act No. 237, Section 1, eff March 17, 2006.

Section 54-15-80. Examination fee.

Section 54-15-90. Apprentices for Upper Coastal Area.

Section 54-15-100. Apprentices for Lower Coastal Area.

Section 54-15-110. Licenses or branches and oath of pilots and apprentices.

Section 54-15-120. Prerequisites to licensing in Lower Coastal Area.

Section 54-15-130. Number of pilots.

Section 54-15-140. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 54-15-150. Registers of pilots.

Section 54-15-160. Pilot ground for Charleston.

Section 54-15-170. Pilot boats at Charleston shall be approved by commissioners.

Section 54-15-180. Repealed by 1991 Act No. 56, Section 5.

Section 54-15-190. Boats used for pilotage; identification.

Section 54-15-200. Repealed by 1991 Act No. 56, Section 6.

Section 54-15-210. Pilots shall not discontinue duties without permission.

Section 54-15-220. Pilot shall offer services to nearest vessel; exceptions.

Section 54-15-230. Pilot shall remain on vessel if required.

Section 54-15-240. Payment of pilots detained beyond time appointed.

Section 54-15-250. Penalty for carrying off pilots.

Section 54-15-260. Duty of pilots during war or under special orders.

Section 54-15-270. Pilot requirements for vessels entering ports.

Section 54-15-280. Unauthorized pilotage.

Section 54-15-290. Rates and fees; publication thereof.

Section 54-15-300. Investigation of marine disasters; subpoena of witnesses.

Section 54-15-310. Designation of hearing officer or hearing panel; disciplinary proceedings.

Section 54-15-320. Discipline of licensees.

Section 54-15-330. Appeal of administrative decision.

Section 54-15-340. Collection of costs and fines.

Section 54-15-350. Limit on liability for damages caused by pilots.

Section 54-15-360. Owners and operators also liable.