If any person shall wilfully and maliciously destroy or in any manner hurt, damage or obstruct or shall wilfully and maliciously cause or aid, assist, counsel or advise any other person or persons to destroy or in any manner to hurt, damage, injure or obstruct any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of Congress of the United States passed February 10, 1807, entitled "An Act to Provide for Surveying the Coast of the United States," and the supplements thereto, he shall be liable to be indicted therefor and, on conviction, shall be imprisoned not less than one month or pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court before which such conviction shall take place and shall be further liable to pay all expenses of repairing the same. And it shall not be competent for any person so offending to defend himself by pleading or giving in evidence that he was the owner or the agent or servant of the owner of the land where such damage was done or caused at the time it was caused or done.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 54-405; 1952 Code Section 54-405; 1942 Code Section 1267; 1932 Code Section 1267; Cr. C. '22 Section 162; Cr. C. '12 Section 311; Cr. C. '02 Section 471; G. S. 2513; R. S. 368; 1847 (11) 444.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters
Chapter 11 - Interference With Navigation
Section 54-11-10. Interfering with aids to navigation.
Section 54-11-20. Anchoring vessel to range lights.
Section 54-11-30. Changing position of navigational aids.
Section 54-11-40. Lien on cost of repairs or replacements of navigational aids.