It shall be unlawful for any person to show a film designated or advertised as being "X" rated or to show any motion picture, slide or exhibit in which the bare buttocks, female breasts or the bare genitals, male or female, of the human body are shown or in which strip-tease, burlesque or nudist type scenes are shown which would be harmful to children viewing such scenes or to show previews depicting such scenes in any outdoor or drive-in theatre where the location of the screen on which such film is shown is clearly visible from public roads or highways in the vicinity of such theatre. As used in this article "vicinity of such theatre" shall mean any area within one-half mile from the location of the theatre screen. Screening, floodlights or other devices to block viewing outside the theatre may be erected by theatre operators and owners, provided such devices do not interfere with motor vehicle traffic in the area around the theatre.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 5-121; 1971 (57) 1027.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 52 - Amusements and Athletic Contests
Chapter 3 - Motion Pictures, Sporting Events And Concerts
Section 52-3-10. Repealed by 1983 Act No. 121, Section 5.
Section 52-3-20. Repealed by 1983 Act No. 121, Section 5.
Section 52-3-30. Repealed by 1983 Act No. 121, Section 5.