Not more than twenty thousand acres of real property shall be acquired in fee under the provisions of this chapter. Moreover, no acquisition shall be made under this chapter in any county without written approval of a majority of the county delegation in the county where the property is located.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 387, Part II, Section 52A, eff July 1, 2000.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 51 - Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Chapter 18 - War Between The States Heritage Trust Program
Section 51-18-10. Definitions.
Section 51-18-30. Goals of the War Between the States Heritage Trust Program.
Section 51-18-40. War Between the States Heritage Trust Commission.
Section 51-18-50. Powers and Duties of the War Between the States Heritage Trust Commission.
Section 51-18-60. War Between the States Heritage Trust Advisory Board.
Section 51-18-70. Powers and duties of the War Between the States Heritage Trust Advisory Board.
Section 51-18-80. Dedication process.
Section 51-18-90. War Between the States Heritage Trust.
Section 51-18-100. Registration.
Section 51-18-110. Funding; appropriations, user fees.
Section 51-18-115. War Between the States Heritage Preserve Trust Fund.
Section 51-18-120. State or local parks, preserves, wildlife refuges, forests, or other areas.
Section 51-18-130. Enforcement; penalties.
Section 51-18-140. Maximum acquisition; approval by county delegation.
Section 51-18-150. Annual report of acquisitions and planned acquisitions.