In addition to the duties and powers otherwise conferred upon the Department of Natural Resources, it shall have the following duties and powers:
(1) To offer such assistance as may be appropriate to the commissioners of soil and water conservation districts, organized as provided in this chapter, in the carrying out of any of their powers and programs;
(2) To keep the commissioners of each of the several districts organized under the provisions of this chapter informed of the activities and experience of all other districts organized under this chapter and to facilitate an interchange of advice and experience between such districts and cooperation between them;
(3) To coordinate the programs of the several soil and water conservation districts organized under this chapter so far as this may be done by advice and consultation;
(4) To secure the cooperation and assistance of the United States and any of its agencies and of agencies and counties of this State, in the work of such districts;
(5) To disseminate information throughout the State concerning the activities and programs of the soil and water conservation districts organized hereunder and to encourage the information of such districts in areas where their organization is desirable;
(6) To receive gifts, appropriations, materials, equipment, lands and facilities and to manage, operate and disburse them for the benefit of the soil and water conservation districts;
(7) To coordinate the development of comprehensive conservation plans for environmental improvement on all lands owned or controlled by the State;
(8) To coordinate the development of a statewide landscape inventory and formulate guidelines for assisting local conservation districts, municipalities, counties, and other groups in implementing landscape and beautification programs;
(9) To coordinate the development of a comprehensive plan for implementation of the standard soil survey information and to prepare guidelines for local conservation districts, counties, municipalities and other agencies of State and local government in the use of soil survey data for land use planning, development and conservation;
(10) To coordinate the development of a statewide flood plain lands area inventory and to formulate guidelines for the conservation, protection and use of flood plain lands, excluding tidelands and marshlands;
(11) To coordinate and assist local conservation districts, counties, and municipalities in developing policies and procedures for an adequate erosion and sediment control program; and engage in an educational informational program to acquaint municipalities, conservation districts, counties, and developers with sedimentation control management measures applicable to their activities, and familiarize these people with the program of the district;
(12) To coordinate the development of a statewide irrigable land inventory and to formulate guidelines for the conservation, protection and use of such lands;
(13) To coordinate the development of a statewide inventory of the availability of rural lands for recreational uses, and to formulate guidelines for the conservation, protection and use of such lands; and
(14) To coordinate the development of conservation guidelines for incorporation into local and statewide land use plans.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 63-67; 1952 Code Section 63-67; 1942 Code Section 5806-104; 1937 (40) 242; 1951 (47) 431; 1965 (54) 106; 1970 (56) 2331; 1972 (57) 2271; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1184.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 48 - Environmental Protection and Conservation
Chapter 9 - Soil And Water Conservation Districts Law
Section 48-9-20. Legislative declaration of purpose.
Section 48-9-45. Land, Water, and Conservation Division accountable to director of department.
Section 48-9-50. Agencies operating public lands shall cooperate with commissioners.
Section 48-9-60. Adjournment of hearings.
Section 48-9-220. Geographic areas for selection of members of Committee.
Section 48-9-260. Employees; legal services.
Section 48-9-270. Seal; hearings; rules and regulations.
Section 48-9-280. Bonds; records; audit.
Section 48-9-290. General duties and powers.
Section 48-9-300. Delegation of powers and duties; cooperation with other agencies.
Section 48-9-310. Submission of statements, estimates, budgets, and other information.
Section 48-9-320. Allocation of State appropriations.
Section 48-9-510. Petition for creation of a district.
Section 48-9-520. Content of petition.
Section 48-9-530. Consolidation of overlapping petitions.
Section 48-9-540. Hearing on petition.
Section 48-9-550. Determination against establishment; filing of subsequent petition.
Section 48-9-560. Determination of need for district; boundaries.
Section 48-9-570. Boundaries to not include portions of other districts.
Section 48-9-580. Referendum on establishment of district.
Section 48-9-590. Conduct of hearings and referenda; expenses.
Section 48-9-600. Final determination as to establishment of district.
Section 48-9-610. Appointment of two commissioners of new district.
Section 48-9-630. Action by Secretary of State on application.
Section 48-9-640. Subsequent petition if previous determination was against feasibility of district.
Section 48-9-810. Petition for enlarging existing district.
Section 48-9-820. Petition for subdivision of district.
Section 48-9-830. Hearing on petition for subdivision of district.
Section 48-9-840. Determination as to subdivisions.
Section 48-9-850. Organization of subdivision as district.
Section 48-9-1010. Petition for discontinuance of district; hearings on discontinuance.
Section 48-9-1020. Referendum on discontinuance.
Section 48-9-1030. Decision as to discontinuance.
Section 48-9-1040. Termination of affairs and dissolution of district.
Section 48-9-1050. Effect of dissolution.
Section 48-9-1060. Petitions for dissolution need not be entertained more than once in five years.
Section 48-9-1210. Qualifications of appointed commissioners.
Section 48-9-1220. Nomination and election of commissioners.
Section 48-9-1230. Terms of office; vacancies; removal.
Section 48-9-1240. Chairman; quorum; majority vote; compensation.
Section 48-9-1250. Employees and agents; delegation of powers and duties; legal services.
Section 48-9-1260. Bonds; records; audit.
Section 48-9-1270. General powers of districts and commissioners.
Section 48-9-1300. Commissioners of different districts cooperation.
Section 48-9-1310. Consultation with governing bodies of nearby localities.