There is hereby granted to the State Forester, as compact administrator and chairman ex officio of the South Carolina members of such advisory committee, and to the members from this State of the advisory committee all the powers provided for in the compact and all the powers necessary or incidental to the carrying out of such compact in every particular. All officers of the State shall do all things falling within their respective provinces and jurisdiction necessary or incidental to the carrying out of the compact in every particular; it being hereby declared to be the policy of this State to perform and carry out the compact and to accomplish the purposes thereof.
All officers, bureaus, departments and persons of and in the State government or administration of this State shall at convenient times and upon request of such compact administrator, or of such advisory committee, furnish information and data relating to the purposes of the compact possessed by them or any of them to the compact administrator or the advisory committee. They may further aid the compact administrator or the advisory committee by loan of personnel, equipment or other means in carrying out the purposes of the compact.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 29-75; 1954 (48) 1774.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 48 - Environmental Protection and Conservation
Chapter 37 - Southeastern Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact
Section 48-37-10. Governor may execute compact; legislative approval given.
Section 48-37-20. Terms of compact.
Section 48-37-30. Effective date of compact; exchange of official documents.
Section 48-37-60. Chapter to not limit powers of State Commission of Forestry.