South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - Pollution Control Act
Section 48-1-110. Permits required for construction or alteration of disposal systems; classification; unlawful operations or discharges.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, until plans therefor have been submitted to and approved by the department and a written permit therefor shall have been granted to:
(1) Construct or install a disposal system or source;
(2) Make any change in, addition to or extension of any existing disposal system or part thereof that would materially alter the method or the effect of treating or disposing of the sewage, industrial waste or other wastes;
(3) Operate such new disposal systems or new source, or any existing disposal system or source;
(4) Increase the load through existing outlets of sewage, industrial waste or other wastes into the waters of the State.
(b) The director of Health and Environmental Control shall classify all public wastewater treatment plants, giving due regard to size, types of work, character, and volume of waste to be treated, and the use and nature of the water resources receiving the plant effluent. Plants may be classified in a group higher than indicated at the discretion of the classifying officer by reason of the incorporation in the plant of complex features which cause the plant to be more difficult to operate than usual or by reason of a waste unusually difficult to treat, or by reason of conditions of flow or use of the receiving waters requiring an unusually high degree of plant operation control or for combinations of such conditions or circumstances. The classification is based on the following groups:
(1) For biological wastewater treatment plants: Group I-B. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the following units: primary settling, chlorination, sludge removal, imhoff tanks, sand filters, sludge drying beds, land spraying, grinding, screening, oxidation, and stabilization ponds. Group II-B. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the units listed in Group I-B and, in addition, one or more of the following units: sludge digestion, aerated lagoon, and sludge thickeners. Group III-B. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the units listed in Groups I-B and II-B and, in addition, one or more of the following: trickling filters, secondary settling, chemical treatment, vacuum filters, sludge elutriation, sludge incinerator, wet oxidation process, contact aeration, and activated sludge (either conventional, modified, or high rate processes). Group IV-B. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the units listed in Groups I-B, II-B, and III-B and, in addition, treat waste having a raw five-day biochemical oxygen demand of five thousand pounds a day or more.
(2) Effective July 1, 1987, for physical-chemical wastewater treatment plants: Group I-P/C. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the following units: primary settling, equalization, pH control, and oil skimming. Group II-P/C. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the units listed in Group I-P/C and, in addition, one or more of the following units: sludge storage, dissolved air flotation, and clarification. Group III-P/C. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the units listed in Groups I-P/C and II-P/C and, in addition, one or more of the following: oxidation/reduction reactions, cyanide destruction, metals precipitation, sludge dewatering, and air stripping. Group IV-P/C. All wastewater treatment plants which include one or more of the units listed in Groups I-P/C, II-P/C, and III-P/C and, in addition, one or more of the following: membrane technology, ion exchange, tertiary chemicals, and electrochemistry.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person or municipal corporation to operate a public wastewater treatment plant unless the operator-in-charge holds a valid certificate of registration issued by the Board of Certification of Environmental Systems Operators in a grade corresponding to the classification of the public wastewater treatment plant supervised by him, except as hereinafter provided.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an approved waste disposal facility in violation of the conditions of the permit to construct or the permit to discharge.
(e) It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, negligently or willfully, to discharge any air contaminant or other substance in the ambient air that shall cause an undesirable level.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 63-195.14; 1952 Code Section 70-118; 1950 (46) 2153; 1969 (56) 764; 1970 (56) 2512; 1974 (58) 2334; 1980 Act No. 319, Section 4; 1985 Act No. 172, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1173.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 48 - Environmental Protection and Conservation

Chapter 1 - Pollution Control Act

Section 48-1-10. Short title; definitions.

Section 48-1-20. Declaration of public policy.

Section 48-1-30. Promulgation of regulations; approval of alternatives.

Section 48-1-40. Adoption of standards for water and air.

Section 48-1-50. Powers of department.

Section 48-1-55. Use of local personnel to monitor water quality in county where oyster factory located.

Section 48-1-60. Classification and standards of quality and purity of the environment authorized after notice and hearing.

Section 48-1-70. Matters which standards for water may prescribe.

Section 48-1-80. Considerations in formulating classification and standards for water.

Section 48-1-83. Dissolved oxygen concentration depression; procedures to obtain site-specific effluent limit.

Section 48-1-85. Requirements for houseboats with marine toilets.

Section 48-1-87. Aquatic Life Protection Act.

Section 48-1-90. Causing or permitting pollution of environment prohibited; remedies.

Section 48-1-95. Wastewater utilities; procedures for significant spills.

Section 48-1-100. Permits for discharge of wastes or air contaminants; jurisdiction of department.

Section 48-1-110. Permits required for construction or alteration of disposal systems; classification; unlawful operations or discharges.

Section 48-1-115. Public notice of sludge storage facility construction permit.

Section 48-1-120. Determination and correction of undesirable level.

Section 48-1-130. Order for discontinuance of discharge of wastes or air contaminants.

Section 48-1-140. Revision or modification of national pollutant discharge elimination system or final compliance date for stationary source or class or sources of air pollution.

Section 48-1-150. Situations in which public hearing is required or authorized.

Section 48-1-160. Conduct of hearing; decision of department.

Section 48-1-170. Records of hearings and decisions.

Section 48-1-180. Oaths; examination of witnesses; subpoenas.

Section 48-1-190. Refusal to obey notice of hearing or subpoena.

Section 48-1-200. Appeals.

Section 48-1-210. Duties of Attorney General and solicitors.

Section 48-1-220. Institution of prosecutions.

Section 48-1-230. Disposition of funds.

Section 48-1-240. Chapter remedies are cumulative; estoppel.

Section 48-1-250. No private cause of action created.

Section 48-1-260. Conditions within industrial plants and employer-employee relations not affected.

Section 48-1-270. Availability of records, reports, and information to the public; confidentiality of trade secrets.

Section 48-1-280. Health laws not affected.

Section 48-1-290. Emergency orders.

Section 48-1-300. Certain violations excused.

Section 48-1-310. Local air pollution control programs.

Section 48-1-320. Penalties for violation of Pollution Control Act.

Section 48-1-330. Civil penalties.

Section 48-1-340. False statements, representations or certifications; falsifying, tampering with, or rendering inaccurate monitoring devices or methods.

Section 48-1-350. Penalties constitute debts to State; liens; disposition of moneys collected.