South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Dogs And Other Domestic Pets
Section 47-3-970. Restitution.

(A) A defendant convicted of a violation of Sections 47-3-930, 47-3-940, 47-3-950, or 47-3-960 may be ordered to make full restitution for damages including incidental and consequential expenses incurred by the guide dog or service animal and its user, which arise out of or are related to the criminal offense.
(B) Restitution ordered pursuant to this section includes, but is not limited to:
(1) the value of the replacement of an incapacitated or deceased guide dog or service animal, the training of a replacement guide dog or service animal, or retraining of the affected guide dog or service animal and related veterinary and care expenses; and
(2) medical expenses of the guide dog or service animal user, training of the guide dog or service animal user, and compensation for wages or earned income lost by the guide dog or service animal user.
(C) This article does not affect civil remedies available for conduct punishable under this article. Restitution paid pursuant to this article must be set off against damages awarded in a civil action arising out of the same conduct that resulted in the restitution payment.
HISTORY: 2003 Act No. 37, Section 1, eff June 2, 2003; 2019 Act No. 44 (S.281), Section 5, eff May 16, 2019.

Editor's Note
2019 Act No. 44, preamble, provides as follows:
"Whereas, service animals that are properly trained to assist persons with disabilities play a vital role in establishing independence for such persons; and
"Whereas, the term "service animal" has a distinct meaning in the law. A service animal means an animal that is trained for the purposes of assisting or accommodating the sensory, mental, or physical disability of a disabled person. Under the law, the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship does not constitute the work or tasks of a service animal; and
"Whereas, no vest, other marking, or documentation is required for an animal to qualify as a service animal, nor are such vests, markings, or documentation a reliable indication of whether an animal is, by law, a service animal. People sometimes erroneously think that a therapy animal, an emotional support animal, or any animal wearing a vest or having any other type of marking is a service animal as defined by law; and
"Whereas, there is an increasing number of occurrences in which people exploit the confusion related to service animals and attempt to bring an animal into a place that it would otherwise not be allowed to enter by passing off the pet, therapy animal, or emotional support animal as a service animal, either by oral misrepresentation, placement of a vest or other marking on the animal, or presentation of a "certificate", despite knowing that it is not a service animal; and
"Whereas, some companies mislead individuals into believing that they will be entitled to the rights or privileges for individuals with disabilities with service animals if they buy the company's vests or obtain some type of certificate. These misrepresentations, in some cases, are unlawful deceptive trade practices and compound the confusion around service animals; and
"Whereas, commendably, federal and state laws require places of public accommodation, including airports, restaurants, theaters, stores, hospitals, and more, to allow any animal that is presented as a service animal into the place of public accommodation. These same places of public accommodation face a dilemma if someone enters the premises and intentionally misrepresents his animal as a service animal; and
"Whereas, when people try to falsely represent a nonservice animal as a service animal, business owners and other places of public accommodation become increasingly distrustful that the animals being represented to them as service animals are, in fact, service animals. Misrepresentation of service animals delegitimizes the program and makes it harder for persons with disabilities to gain unquestioned acceptance of their legitimate, properly trained, and essential service animals. Now, therefore, [Text of Act]."
Effect of Amendment
2019 Act No. 44, Section 5, in (A), substituted "Sections 47-3-930, 47-3-940, 47-3-950, or 47-3-960" for "this article"; and in (B), substituted "ordered pursuant to this section" for "for a conviction under this article".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 47 - Animals, Livestock and Poultry

Chapter 3 - Dogs And Other Domestic Pets

Section 47-3-10. Definitions.

Section 47-3-20. Local animal care and control ordinances authorized.

Section 47-3-30. Establishment of animal shelters; funding.

Section 47-3-40. Impoundment or quarantine of cat or dog running at large; release to owner.

Section 47-3-50. Allowing dogs or cats to run at large; penalty.

Section 47-3-55. Animal shelter personnel to contact owner if known; implant of identifying microchip in adopted or redeemed dogs and cats.

Section 47-3-60. Disposition of quarantined or impounded animals.

Section 47-3-70. County and municipal powers not limited by article.

Section 47-3-75. Transfer of domestic animal to animal shelter ten days after date owner was to pick up animal; requirements.

Section 47-3-110. Liability for attacks by dogs, provoked attacks, trained law enforcement dogs.

Section 47-3-210. Buying, selling, receiving, or keeping sheep-killing dog prohibited.

Section 47-3-220. Dog found in act of worrying or destroying sheep may be killed.

Section 47-3-230. Liability of owner of sheep-killing dog for payment to owner of sheep killed or injured.

Section 47-3-310. Disposal or removal of feral dogs from certain property.

Section 47-3-320. Training of conservation officers to remove dogs; liability of officers.

Section 47-3-410. Animal shelter defined.

Section 47-3-420. Methods of euthanasia.

Section 47-3-430. Provision governing shelters.

Section 47-3-440. Penalties; injunction.

Section 47-3-450. Exceptions.

Section 47-3-470. Definitions.

Section 47-3-480. Provisions for sterilization; exceptions; payment of costs; subsequent notification of sterilization for animals not sterile when acquired.

Section 47-3-490. Failure to comply; remedies.

Section 47-3-500. Adoption of additional policies by other entities.

Section 47-3-510. Owner may register dog; fee.

Section 47-3-520. Availability of registration file.

Section 47-3-530. Penalties for stealing or killing identifiable dog.

Section 47-3-540. Destruction of identifiable dog by animal control officer; prior notification of owner.

Section 47-3-550. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 47-3-610. Unlawful to taunt, torment, tease, beat, strike, or administer desensitizing drug to police dog or horse.

Section 47-3-620. Unlawful to torture, mutilate, injure, disable, poison, or kill police dog or horse.

Section 47-3-630. Penalties.

Section 47-3-710. Definitions.

Section 47-3-720. Dangerous animal not to go unconfined on premises; "unconfined" defined; exceptions.

Section 47-3-730. Dangerous animal not permitted beyond premises unless safely restrained.

Section 47-3-740. Owning or harboring animal for fighting or attacking humans or domestic animals prohibited; selling, breeding, buying or attempting to buy, or intent to do same, prohibited; exceptions.

Section 47-3-750. Seizure and impoundment of dangerous animal.

Section 47-3-760. Penalties; registration of dangerous animals.

Section 47-3-770. When person is lawfully on premises; authority to use force to repel attack by dangerous animal when lawfully on premises; no liability for action taken to repel or restrain unprovoked attack of dangerous animal.

Section 47-3-910. Short title.

Section 47-3-920. Definitions.

Section 47-3-930. Interference with use of a guide dog or service animal; misdemeanor.

Section 47-3-940. Injury, disability, or death; reckless disregard; penalties.

Section 47-3-950. Unauthorized control over guide dog or service animal; penalties.

Section 47-3-960. Intentional injury, disability, or death; penalties.

Section 47-3-970. Restitution.

Section 47-3-980. Intentional misrepresentation of animal as service animal; penalties.

Section 47-3-990. Rules and regulations related to access of places of public accommodation by nonservice animals.