South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Sale, Grading And Inspection Of Livestock
Section 47-11-340. Grading service conducted by Department of Agriculture.

The grading service herein provided shall be conducted by the Department of Agriculture at a cost to be established by the Department and the proceeds shall be used for the purpose of paying salaries, travel and related expenses of grading personnel. These proceeds shall be deposited with the State Treasurer to the account of the Department to be expended for the purposes authorized in this chapter. The grading shall be conducted only by personnel who are certified by the Department and who have successfully completed tests and examinations to determine proficiency in grade application which are administered by the Livestock Division, Consumer and Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Grading personnel are responsible only for placing animals for sale into the proper grade categories as determined by standards promulgated by the Department.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 6-350.3; 1972 (57) 2770; 1981 Act No. 137 Section 1.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 47 - Animals, Livestock and Poultry

Chapter 11 - Sale, Grading And Inspection Of Livestock

Section 47-11-10. Administration of article.

Section 47-11-20. Permits; fees; operation without a permit is a misdemeanor.

Section 47-11-30. Application for permit; approval of changes in operating and ownership.

Section 47-11-60. Bond.

Section 47-11-70. Facilities regulations; inspections; penalties.

Section 47-11-80. Records; identification required of persons selling at market; livestock haulers exempt from licenses.

Section 47-11-85. Identification of animals sold in public livestock market or equine sales facility.

Section 47-11-90. Brucellosis testing.

Section 47-11-100. Tuberculosis and paratuberculosis tests required for all animals except those for immediate slaughter.

Section 47-11-110. Establishment of slaughter assembly points.

Section 47-11-120. Liability of person removing livestock for slaughter.

Section 47-11-130. Infected or exposed animals or poultry.

Section 47-11-140. Services of veterinarians provided for auctions; cost of tests.

Section 47-11-150. Promulgation and enforcement of regulations.

Section 47-11-160. Enforcement.

Section 47-11-170. Violations.

Section 47-11-310. Declaration of purpose.

Section 47-11-320. Definitions.

Section 47-11-330. Grading of livestock for quality and pooling for sale.

Section 47-11-340. Grading service conducted by Department of Agriculture.

Section 47-11-350. Department authorized to adopt standards and grades.

Section 47-11-360. Department authorized to adopt identification method or system.

Section 47-11-370. Department authorized to adopt rules and regulations and designate effective date of grading and inspection requirements; notice and hearing on rules.

Section 47-11-380. Participation in grading and inspection program voluntary.

Section 47-11-390. Violations; penalties and injunctions.

Section 47-11-510. Commissioner authorized to regulate sales and license public livestock sales establishments.

Section 47-11-520. Procedure for payment of livestock purchased at auction.

Section 47-11-530. Notification of dishonored check or draft.

Section 47-11-540. Rules and regulations.

Section 47-11-550. Article applies only to public sales establishments.