South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Clemson University
Section 46-7-10. Duties and powers in general.

The board of trustees of Clemson University shall have the following duties and powers with respect to agriculture and agricultural affairs or investigations:
(1) It shall regulate the returns of such county agricultural societies as may be chartered by the State, prescribe the form of such returns and furnish all blanks necessary for securing uniform and reliable statistics of their operations;
(2) It shall issue to the several county auditors of the State blanks, with complete instructions, for the collection of agricultural statistics and information;
(3) It shall investigate all subjects relating to the improvement of the agricultural interests of the State, the inducement of immigration thereto and the introduction of foreign capital therein, as it may deem expedient;
(4) It shall make investigations adapted to promote and improve the marketing of cattle and poultry and domestic fowl of every kind;
(5) It may promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the guidance of the State Veterinarian, or any assistant of his, in the treatment of horses, mules, cattle, hogs or other livestock or poultry or domestic fowl of any kind affected with any dangerous or contagious disease;
(6) It may adopt rules and regulations consistent with the laws of this State and of the United States to prevent the introduction into this State of any livestock or poultry or domesticated fowl of any kind that is affected with any contagious disease, the tendency of which is to cause the death of such livestock;
(7) It may in case of contagious disease among any kind of stock or animals, including poultry and domesticated animals of every kind, either establish rules of quarantine or have the infected animals killed and burned;
(8) It may adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary or advisable to carry into effect any and all of the matters referred to in Sections 47-13-10, 47-13-20, 47-13-40, 47-13-60 and 47-13-360 to 47-13-420;
(9) It, or a committee appointed by it, shall supervise and enforce the execution of any duties devolved upon it;
(10) It shall appoint a special inspector or inspectors of fertilizers and such other persons as it may deem necessary for carrying out the duties devolved upon it by Chapter 25 of this Title and fix their compensation;
(11) It shall communicate and cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States and shall receive from him seeds, plants, documents and information and distribute them as may seem to the best advantage;
(12) It may hold agricultural conventions composed of delegates from each county in the State, to be apportioned to each county and elected in such manner as it may provide and it may conduct farmers' institutes at such times and places as may appear expedient; and it may use such parts of the funds under its control as may be necessary to meet the expense of conducting such conventions and institutes, but no compensation, per diem or mileage, shall be paid to the delegates to such conventions;
(13) It shall detail one of its scientific agriculturists to pay frequent visits to the coastal section of the State, to examine the soils, present methods of cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, and similar matters, and to make practical tests, on some selected section, of Sea Island cotton, rice and truck farms, with various varieties of seeds, and to follow the tests up carefully during the preparation of the land, planting of the seed and cultivation and harvesting of the crops and also to examine into the diseases of cotton, rice, truck, and other similar crops which have caused much trouble and loss in that section; and
(14) It shall furnish, at cost, to citizens of this State upon request therefor, sufficient quantities of serum for treatment of hog cholera; provided, that no person shall be furnished more serum than needed for treatment of hogs actually owned by the person applying therefor; and provided, further, that no poor person shall be charged for serum applied for when he is unable to pay for it.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 3-21; 1952 Code Section 3-21; 1942 Code Sections 5743, 5750; 1932 Code Sections 5743, 5750; Civ. C. '22 Section 2840; Civ. C. '12 Section 1900; Civ. C. '02 Section 1313; G. S. 587, 588, 589, 591, 594; R. S. 1132; 1879 (17) 72; 1890 (20) 706 Section 4; 1901 (23) 737; 1913 (28) 194; 1928 (35) 1192; 1939 (41) 360; 1940 (41) 1876.