South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Funds
Section 42-7-310. Establishment, purpose, administration, funding and staff of Second Injury Fund.

(a) There is hereby established, under the Budget and Control Board, the Second Injury Fund for the purpose of making payments in accordance with the provisions of Section 42-9-400, Section 42-9-410, and this section. The fund shall be administered by a director appointed by the State Budget and Control Board. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the fund, and all monies and securities in the fund shall be held in a separate and distinct trust account by the State Treasurer.
(b) Disbursements from the fund shall be made with the approval of the director by forwarding a disbursement voucher, along with an itemized statement of payments and such other information as may be necessary to justify payment, to the Comptroller General who shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer in payment of the disbursement request.
Agreements to reimburse an employer or his carrier for compensation or medical benefits as provided in Section 42-9-400 or 42-9-410 shall be forwarded to the commission for approval. If approved and unappealed, such agreements shall be binding in the same manner as other orders, decisions, or awards of the commission.
When awards are made under Section 42-9-400 or 42-9-410 by the commission, it shall transmit to the director of the fund an official copy of such awards which shall contain the name of the employer, carrier, and employee to whom benefits were originally paid, an itemized statement of payments, and such other information as may be necessary to constitute a full record of the case. Upon the receipt of such official award, the director of the fund, if he approves the award, shall forward a disbursement voucher, along with an official copy, to the Comptroller General who shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer in payment of the claim. If the director intends to litigate or otherwise contest the award, he shall notify the commission of such intention. Any questions or controversies arising under this subsection shall be decided by the commission in the procedural manner now provided under this title.
(c) The original funding of the Second Injury Fund shall be in a manner as follows:
(1) From the State Accident Fund, the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer one hundred thousand dollars to be deposited in the Second Injury Fund.
(2) The State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in the Second Injury Fund one third of the workers' compensation premium tax.
(3) The State Treasurer shall deposit to the account of the Second Injury Fund the money authorized paid to the Workers' Compensation Commission under Section 42-9-140.
(d) The funding of the Division of the Second Injury Fund on a continuing basis is by:
(1) deposits to the account of the fund by the State Treasurer of those monies authorized to be paid to the Workers' Compensation Commission under Section 42-9-140;
(2) equitable assessments upon each carrier which, as used in this section, includes all insurance carriers, self-insurers, and the State Accident Fund. Each carrier shall make payments to the fund in an amount equal to that proportion of one hundred thirty-five percent of the total disbursement made from the fund during the preceding fiscal year less the amount of net assets in the fund as of June thirtieth of the preceding fiscal year which the normalized premium of each carrier bore to the normalized premium of all carriers during the preceding calendar year. Each insurance carrier, self-insurer, and the State Accident Fund shall make payment based upon workers' compensation normalized premiums during the preceding calendar year. The charge to each insurance carrier is a charge based upon normalized premiums. An employer who has ceased to be a self-insurer shall continue to be liable for any assessments into the fund on account of any benefits paid by him during such calendar year. Any assessment levied or established in accordance with this section constitutes a personal debt of every employer or insurance carrier so assessed and is due and payable to the Second Injury Fund when payment is called for by the fund. In the event of failure to pay any assessment upon the date determined by the fund, the employer or insurance carrier immediately may be assessed a penalty in an amount not exceeding ten percent of the unpaid assessment. If the employer or insurance carrier fails to pay the assessment and penalty, they shall be barred from any recovery from the fund on all claims without exception until the assessment and penalty are paid in full. The director may file a complaint for collection against the employer or insurance carrier in a court of competent jurisdiction for the assessment, penalty, and interest at the legal rate, and the employer/carrier is responsible for attorney's fees and costs. The penalty and interest under this subsection are payable to the Second Injury Fund. At the time of the filing of the complaint, the fund also shall notify the South Carolina Department of Insurance and the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission, and these government agencies shall take the appropriate legal and administrative action immediately; and
(3) "Normalized premium" is defined as gross paid losses before salvage and subrogation times a factor representing normalized expenses. Normalized expenses include taxes, licenses, fees, general expenses, profit, contingencies, and other expenses as reported on the Insurance Expense Exhibit of the NAIC Annual Statement blank. This normalized expense factor shall be computed annually by the Workers' Compensation Commission by August first of each year and must be based upon aggregate expense information obtained from the Department of Insurance derived from insurers' most recently filed annual statements.
(e) The director shall be authorized to employ necessary staff for administering the fund, and the monies necessary for administration of the fund shall be paid out of the fund. In furtherance of this purpose, the Attorney General shall appoint a member of his staff to represent the fund in all proceedings brought to enforce claims against the fund.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 72-602; 1972 (57) 2578; 1973 (58) 623; 1974 (58) 2237; 1976 Act No. 615; 1977 Act No. 24 Section 1; 1982 Act No. 276; 1988 Act No. 295, eff February 2, 1988; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 995, eff July 1, 1993; 2000 Act No. 364, Section 1, eff June 14, 2000; 2003 Act No. 73, Section 21, eff June 25, 2003; 2007 Act No. 111, Pt II, Section 2, eff July 1, 2007, applicable to injuries that occur on or after that date.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, reference in this section to the former Budget and Control Board has not been changed pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), until further action by the General Assembly.