South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 16 - South Carolina Elevator Code
Section 41-16-20. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, except as otherwise expressly provided:
(1) "Facility" means any elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, moving walk, handicap lift, or manlift subject to regulation under the provisions of this chapter and includes hoistways, rails, guides, and all other related mechanical and electrical equipment.
(2) "Alteration" means any change made to an existing facility, other than the repair or replacement of damaged, worn, or broken parts necessary for normal maintenance.
(3) "Department" means the South Carolina Division of Labor.
(4) "Director" means the Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation or his designee or representative.
(5) "Elevator" means a hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with a car or platform which moves in guides in a substantially vertical direction and which serves two or more floors of a building or structure. The term elevator does not include a dumbwaiter, endless belt, conveyor, chain or bucket hoist, construction hoist, or other device used for the primary purpose of elevating or lowering building or other materials and not used as a means of conveyance for individuals, nor does it include tiering, piling, feeding, or other machines or devices giving service within only one story.
(6) "Dumbwaiter" means a hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with a car which moves in guides in a substantially vertical direction, when the floor area does not exceed nine square feet and which is used exclusively for carrying materials.
(7) "Escalator" means a power-driven, inclined, continuous stairway used for raising or lowering passengers.
(8) "Moving walk" means a type of passenger-carrying device on which passengers stand or walk, and in which the passenger-carrying surface remains parallel to its direction in motion and is uninterrupted.
(9) "Manlift" means a device consisting of a power-driven endless belt, provided with steps or platforms and handholds attached to it for the transportation of persons from floor to floor.
(10) "Passenger elevator" means an elevator used to carry persons other than the operator and person necessary for loading and unloading.
(11) "Freight elevator" means an elevator used for carrying freight and on which only the operator and persons necessary for unloading and loading the freight are permitted to ride.
(12) "Dormant facility" means any elevator or dumbwaiter whose cables have been removed and whose car and counterweight rest at the bottom of the shaftway with all doors bolted shut to prevent entry. Hydraulic elevators and handicap lifts may be made dormant by resting the car at the bottom and bolting doors to prevent entry. Escalators, moving walks, or manlifts may be made dormant by barricading the entrances and disconnecting all power feed lines.
(13) "New installation" means a facility, the construction or relocation of which is begun, or for which an application for a new installation permit is filed, on or after the effective date of regulations relating to those permits adopted by the Director under authority of this chapter. All other installations are existing installations.
(14) "Inspector" means an inspector employed by the department for the purpose of administering this chapter.
(15) "Special inspector" means an inspector licensed by the Director and not employed by the department.
(16) "Provisions of this chapter" include regulations promulgated by the Director pursuant to this chapter.
(17) "Temporarily decommissioned facility" means a facility that is not in service at the present time but which is expected to be returned to service within three years and whose fuses are removed and power feed lines disconnected.
(18) "Handicap lift" means a lift whose sole purpose is the transportation of handicapped or disabled individuals.
HISTORY: 1985 Act No. 103, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 102, Sections 1-4, eff June 14, 1993; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 977, eff February 1, 1994.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, in (4), "'Director' means the Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation" was substituted for "'Commissioner' means the Commissioner of the South Carolina Division of Labor".
Effect of Amendment
The first 1993 amendment in paragraph (1), added "handicap lift,", in paragraph (6), deleted ", the total compartment height does not exceed four feet, the capacity does not exceed five hundred pounds,", which followed "nine square feet", rewrote paragraph (12), and added paragraphs (17) and (18).
The second 1993 amendment substituted "Division of Labor" for "Department of Labor".