South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 55 - Psychologists
Section 40-55-40. Powers and duties of board.

The board shall:
(a) Annually elect a chairman and such other officers as it may deem necessary;
(b) Hold at least one regular meeting each year and such additional meetings as called by the chairman or upon written request of any two members;
(c) Adopt a seal which must be affixed to all licenses issued;
(d) Adopt from time to time such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the performance of its duties;
(e) Make an annual report according to the provisions of Chapter 73 of Title 40, Code of 1976; and
(f) Prescribe, pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, fees for application for examination, initial license, renewal of license, and late renewal.
Each member of the board may receive for his services and expenses such per diem and mileage as is provided by law for members of state boards, commissions, and committees.
All revenues and income from licenses, examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income derived from any board source or activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. All assessments, fees, or licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in the annual general appropriation act for the board, plus any additional funds allocated by the Department of Administration for implementation of the State's Personnel Compensation Plan.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 56-1543.104; 1968 (55) 2412; 1982 Act No. 430, Section 3.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, references in this section to the offices of the former State Budget and Control Board, Office of the Governor, or other agencies, were changed to reflect the transfer of them to the Department of Administration or other entities, pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), effective July 1, 2015.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 40 - Professions and Occupations

Chapter 55 - Psychologists

Section 40-55-20. State Board of Examiners in Psychology.

Section 40-55-30. Appointment of members of board; terms; vacancies.

Section 40-55-40. Powers and duties of board.

Section 40-55-50. Acts constituting practice as psychologist.

Section 40-55-55. Licensure requirement.

Section 40-55-60. Code of ethics; limits of psychological practice; list of licensed psychologists.

Section 40-55-70. Use of titles incorporating word "psychologist," or similar words; activities of unlicensed persons not prohibited.

Section 40-55-80. Application for license; qualifications of applicants.

Section 40-55-85. Board to promulgate regulations for continuing education requirements.

Section 40-55-90. Exemptions.

Section 40-55-100. Examinations.

Section 40-55-110. Waiver of examination.

Section 40-55-120. Statement of patient rights and procedures for complaints.

Section 40-55-130. Complaint to board against licensed psychologist; investigation; accusation; notice; hearing; confidentiality of proceedings; privileged communications.

Section 40-55-140. Immunity of board members, officers and employees for official acts; administration of oaths; subpoena power; final orders.

Section 40-55-150. Revocation or suspension of license or other disciplinary action; grounds.

Section 40-55-160. Disciplinary action by board; appeal.

Section 40-55-170. Penalties; injunctions.

Section 40-55-180. Areas of specialization.

Section 40-55-190. Health insurer not required to provide or pay for services.

Section 40-55-310. Purpose.

Section 40-55-320. Definitions.

Section 40-55-330. Home state licensure.

Section 40-55-340. Compact privilege to practice telepsychology.

Section 40-55-350. Compact temporary authorization to practice.

Section 40-55-360. Conditions of telepsychology practice in a receiving state.

Section 40-55-370. Adverse actions.

Section 40-55-380. Additional authorities invested in a compact state's psychology regulatory authority.

Section 40-55-390. Coordinated licensure information system.

Section 40-55-400. Establishment of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Commission.

Section 40-55-410. Rulemaking.

Section 40-55-420. Oversight; dispute resolution; enforcement.

Section 40-55-430. Date of implementation; associated rules; withdrawal; amendments.

Section 40-55-440. Construction and severability.