In the case of any such motor vehicle junk yard for which no license fee has been paid on or before July first of the preceding year, the county treasurer shall issue his execution to the sheriff for the collection of the license fee due hereunder, together with the same costs and penalties as are provided by law in the case of county taxes, and the sheriff shall enforce such execution and collect it in the manner provided by law for the collection of executions for county taxes.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 56-765; 1952 Code Section 56-765; 1942 Code Section 7140-1; 1939 (41) 176, 535; 1940 (41) 1632; 1941 (42) 49.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Section 40-27-10. Record of purchases; nonferrous metals.
Section 40-27-20. Junk required to be kept for certain period of time and open for inspection.
Section 40-27-110. "Motor vehicle junk yard" defined.
Section 40-27-120. Annual license fee.
Section 40-27-130. Furnishing of list of junk yards to county treasurer.
Section 40-27-140. Payment of fee; issuance of license.
Section 40-27-150. Collection of delinquent license fees.
Section 40-27-160. Notice to magistrate of nonpayment of license fee.