South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 22 - Engineers And Surveyors
Section 40-22-10. Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors: membership and qualifications; compensation; removal; meetings; liability.

(A) There is created the South Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors under the administration of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. The purpose of the board is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by ensuring that only properly qualified and competent engineers and surveyors are licensed to practice, by promoting technical competency and ethical standards consistent with the Rules of Professional Conduct applicable to engineers and surveyors, and by appropriately disciplining those found in violation of laws governing engineering and surveying.
(B) The board shall consist of eight members appointed by the Governor, recommendations for appointment may be made by any individual or group, including the South Carolina Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies. Five members must be professional engineers, at least two of whom must be actively engaged in the practice of engineering; two members must be professional surveyors, at least one of whom must be actively engaged in the practice of surveying; and one member must be from the general public appointed in accordance with Section 40-22-40. Professional engineer and professional surveyor members must be selected from a list of qualified candidates submitted to the Governor by the South Carolina Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies. Members of the board shall serve for terms of five years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. No more than two engineers' terms shall expire in any calendar year; no more than one surveyor's term shall expire in any calendar year. In the event of a vacancy, the Governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term.
(C)(1) Each engineering member of the board must:
(a) be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this State;
(b) be licensed in this State;
(c) have been engaged in the practice of engineering in this State for at least twelve years; and
(d) must have been in responsible charge of important engineering work for at least five years, which may include teaching engineering.
(2) Each surveyor member of the board must:
(a) be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this State;
(b) be licensed in this State;
(c) have been engaged in the practice of surveying in this State for at least twelve years; and
(d) have been in responsible charge of important surveying work for at least five years, which may include teaching surveying in an academic setting.
(3) The public member of the board must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this State for at least twelve consecutive years.
(D) Board members must be compensated for their services at the usual rate for mileage, subsistence, and per diem as provided by law for members of state boards, committees, and commissions and may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with and as a result of their work as members of the board.
(E) The Governor may remove a member of the board pursuant to Section 1-3-240. Vacancies on the board must be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the manner of the original appointment.
(F)(1) The board shall elect or appoint annually a chairman, a vice chairman, and a secretary.
(2) The board shall meet at least two times a year and at other times upon the call of the chairman or a majority of the board.
(3) A simple majority of the members of the board eligible to vote constitutes a quorum; however, if there is a vacancy on the board, a majority of the members serving constitutes a quorum.
(4) A board member is required to attend meetings or to provide proper notice and justification of inability to do so. Unexcused absences from meetings may result in removal from the board as provided for in Section 1-3-240.
(G) Neither the board nor any of its members, agents, or department employees are liable for acts performed in good faith during the course of their official duties.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 311, Section 1; 2016 Act No. 259 (S.685), Section 2, eff June 3, 2016.

Editor's Note
Prior Laws: 1991 Act No. 99, Section 1; 1976 Code Sections 40-22-70, 40-22-80, 40-22-100, 40-22-110, 40-22-120.
Effect of Amendment
2016 Act No. 259, Section 2, in (B), inserted ", at least two of whom must be actively engaged in the practice of engineering"; in (C), revised (1)(d), to include teaching, added (2)(d), and made other nonsubstantive changes; and deleted former (H), relating to membership on the board before and after January 1, 2008.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 40 - Professions and Occupations

Chapter 22 - Engineers And Surveyors

Section 40-22-2. Purpose.

Section 40-22-5. Application of Chapter 1; conflicts.

Section 40-22-10. Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors: membership and qualifications; compensation; removal; meetings; liability.

Section 40-22-20. Definitions.

Section 40-22-30. Practice without a license; penalties.

Section 40-22-40. Nomination of board member candidates from general public.

Section 40-22-50. Duties of board; promulgation of examination, licensing, and registration fees; records; register of applications for certificates of authorization; roster.

Section 40-22-60. Rules and regulations; seal; input to department.

Section 40-22-70. Additional powers and duties.

Section 40-22-75. Waiver of licensing requirements during emergencies.

Section 40-22-80. Investigations of violations; subpoenas; administration of oaths and taking of testimony; charges.

Section 40-22-90. Presentation of investigation results; hearing; notification of accused.

Section 40-22-100. Cease and desist orders; application for temporary restraining order.

Section 40-22-110. Penalties; grounds.

Section 40-22-115. Jurisdiction of board.

Section 40-22-120. Civil fines and other penalties.

Section 40-22-130. Grounds for denial of license.

Section 40-22-140. Prior criminal record.

Section 40-22-150. Voluntary surrender of license.

Section 40-22-160. Appeal.

Section 40-22-170. Costs.

Section 40-22-180. Payment of fines; interest.

Section 40-22-190. Confidentiality of proceedings.

Section 40-22-200. Violation of chapter; penalty.

Section 40-22-210. Injunctions; rule to show cause.

Section 40-22-220. Licensure requirements; engineer-in-training; professional engineer; examination.

Section 40-22-222. Licensing of existing engineers; review process.

Section 40-22-225. Eligibility requirements for license as surveyor.

Section 40-22-230. Application forms; references; written examinations; reexaminations; issuance of certificate of registration; reissuance of revoked certificate.

Section 40-22-240. Renewal of registration; fees and late fees; lapsed license; continuing professional competency requirement.

Section 40-22-245. South Carolina Engineers and Surveyors Education and Research Fund; funding; report of expenditures.

Section 40-22-250. Certificate of authorization to practice as firm; conditions; application and registration fee; discipline.

Section 40-22-260. Temporary licenses and certificates of authorization.

Section 40-22-270. Individual seals; stamping on plans and specifications.

Section 40-22-280. Exceptions from application of chapter.

Section 40-22-290. TIER A surveying; exclusions.

Section 40-22-295. Emergency services immunity.

Section 40-22-300. Promulgation of regulations for practice by firms located in foreign countries.

Section 40-22-310. Status of regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 21.

Section 40-22-320. Severability.