South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 23 - Joint County Fire Districts
Section 4-23-1105. General obligation bonds; authorization for joint county fire district to issue; purpose; procedures.

A joint county fire district may issue general obligation bonds for any corporate purpose by utilizing the procedures set forth in Sections 6-11-820 through 6-11-1030, the provisions of Section 6-11-810(d) and (e) notwithstanding.
HISTORY: 2011 Act No. 16, Section 1, eff May 9, 2011.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 4 - Counties

Chapter 23 - Joint County Fire Districts

Section 4-23-10. District created; boundaries.

Section 4-23-15. Repealed.

Section 4-23-20. Board of Fire Control; appointment or election, terms and compensation of members; reports; chairman.

Section 4-23-30. Duties and responsibilities of Board of Fire Control.

Section 4-23-40. Tax to be levied and collected; moneys credited to Fire District.

Section 4-23-50. Supervision of equipment.

Section 4-23-60. Control of traffic at fires; enforcement of laws.

Section 4-23-70. Interference with firemen or apparatus is unlawful; violations.

Section 4-23-210. District created; boundaries shown on recorded plat.

Section 4-23-220. Board of Fire Control; appointment or election, terms and compensation of members; annual report.

Section 4-23-230. Duties and responsibilities of Board of Fire Control.

Section 4-23-240. Tax to be levied and collected; moneys credited to Fire District.

Section 4-23-250. Supervision of equipment.

Section 4-23-260. Control of traffic at fires; enforcement of laws.

Section 4-23-270. Interference with firemen or apparatus is unlawful; violations.

Section 4-23-280. Bonding; capital improvements.

Section 4-23-410. District created; boundaries.

Section 4-23-420. Gowensville Fire District Commission; commissioners.

Section 4-23-430. Powers and duties of commission.

Section 4-23-450. Rates charged for services by revenue producing facility.

Section 4-23-460. Exemption of property and income of district from taxation.

Section 4-23-470. Indebtedness of district; contract provisions between district and holder of obligations.

Section 4-23-480. Supervisory powers of fire chief or equivalent official; readiness of equipment.

Section 4-23-490. Traffic control at fire scene.

Section 4-23-500. Interference with firemen; damage to property of fire district; penalties.

Section 4-23-810. District created; boundaries.

Section 4-23-820. South Lynches Fire District Commission; members.

Section 4-23-830. Powers and duties of commission.

Section 4-23-840. Exemption of property and income of district from taxation.

Section 4-23-850. Indebtedness of district.

Section 4-23-860. Supervisory powers of fire chief or equivalent official; readiness of equipment.

Section 4-23-870. Emergency vehicles.

Section 4-23-880. Parking in vicinity of fire apparatus or emergency vehicle.

Section 4-23-890. Traffic control at fire scene.

Section 4-23-900. Damage to property of fire district; penalty.

Section 4-23-1000. Legislative findings.

Section 4-23-1005. West Florence Fire District.

Section 4-23-1006. Repealed.

Section 4-23-1010. West Florence Fire District Commission.

Section 4-23-1015. District functions; power to raise funds; millage levy.

Section 4-23-1020. Exemption of property and income of district from taxation.

Section 4-23-1025. Indebtedness of district; transfer of real and personal property to district.

Section 4-23-1030. Rates charged for services.

Section 4-23-1035. General obligation bonds.

Section 4-23-1040. Other millage levy or uniform service fee for the provision of fire services.

Section 4-23-1045. Agreements with other departments to provide fire services.

Section 4-23-1050. Supervisory powers of fire chief or equivalent official; readiness of equipment.

Section 4-23-1055. Emergency vehicles.

Section 4-23-1060. Parking in vicinity of fire apparatus or emergency vehicle; penalty.

Section 4-23-1065. Traffic control at fire scene.

Section 4-23-1070. Damage to property of fire district; penalty.

Section 4-23-1100. Joint county fire district defined.

Section 4-23-1105. General obligation bonds; authorization for joint county fire district to issue; purpose; procedures.

Section 4-23-1200. Landrum Area Fire and Rescue District established.

Section 4-23-1210. Landrum Fire and Rescue District Commission established.

Section 4-23-1220. Authority of commission.

Section 4-23-1230. Revenues derived by the commission.

Section 4-23-1240. Rates charged for services.

Section 4-23-1250. Exemption of property and income of district from taxation.

Section 4-23-1260. Indebtedness of district; contract provisions between district and holder of obligations.

Section 4-23-1270. Supervisory powers of fire chief or equivalent official; readiness of equipment.

Section 4-23-1280. Traffic control at fire scene.

Section 4-23-1290. Damage to property of fire district; penalty.