This chapter may be cited as the "Fair Practices of Farm, Construction, Industrial, and Outdoor Power Equipment Manufacturers, Distributors, Wholesalers, and Dealers Act".
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 369, Section 1, eff June 14, 2000.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 39-6-30. Persons subject to chapter; jurisdiction and service of process.
Section 39-6-40. Legislative basis for unfair competition.
Section 39-6-50. Unfair competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices.
Section 39-6-70. Manufacturer prohibited from owning or competing with dealerships; exceptions.
Section 39-6-90. Sale or lease of new equipment by manufacturer; preparation and service by dealer.
Section 39-6-120. Agreements covered by provisions of chapter.
Section 39-6-130. Termination of dealership.
Section 39-6-140. Actions for damages.
Section 39-6-150. Time for bringing actions.
Section 39-6-160. Contract provision in violation of chapter.