A state warehouse receipt must be issued by the warehouseman to a person storing commodities who requests it. If no receipt is issued to the storing party directly, one must be written to show ownership and held at the warehouse office properly locked and secured. No receipt may be issued in the name of the storing warehouse, or its owners, on commodities being purchased by the warehouse until the commodity has been paid for in full, even if a contract has been executed establishing that the title to the commodity has passed to the warehouse or its owners unless the buyer and seller execute an affidavit within the contract stating that the seller conveys title and ownership of the commodity and forfeits all of his rights under the Dealer and Handler Guaranty Fund. The affidavit must be in bold print on the face of the contract and must further state that the seller has read the contract in full, understands it, and waives all rights to contest his knowledge of any part of the contract. Those provisions do not reduce the responsibility of the warehouseman to keep proper records as required by Section 39-22-190.
HISTORY: 1990 Act No. 436, Section 1, eff April 24, 1990.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 22 - State Warehouse System
Section 39-22-10. Authority to grant licenses; minimum standards to maintain.
Section 39-22-15. "Loss" defined.
Section 39-22-20. Applicants for license, bonding and security requirements.
Section 39-22-30. Department to promulgate regulations.
Section 39-22-40. Term "cotton" to refer to all nonperishable farm products.
Section 39-22-50. Chapter inapplicable to "linters" cotton.
Section 39-22-60. Department to accept federal standards and classifications of cotton.
Section 39-22-70. Receipt of lint cotton.
Section 39-22-90. Prohibited acts; penalties.
Section 39-22-100. State guarantee; limitations.
Section 39-22-110. Required identification tags on bales.
Section 39-22-120. Warehouse insurance requirements.
Section 39-22-130. Inspection of warehouses; inventory.
Section 39-22-140. Sums collected under this chapter must be deposited annually.
Section 39-22-160. Annual report.
Section 39-22-170. State's liability limited.