South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 90 - Captive Insurance Companies
Section 38-90-210. Formation of sponsored captive insurance company; establishing protected cells.

(A) One or more sponsors may form a sponsored captive insurance company under this chapter.
(B) A sponsored captive insurance company formed or licensed under this chapter may establish and maintain one or more protected cells to insure risks of one or more participants, subject to the following conditions:
(1) the shareholders of a sponsored captive insurance company must be limited to its participants and sponsors;
(2) each protected cell must be accounted for separately on the books and records of the sponsored captive insurance company to reflect the participants of the protected cell, the financial condition and results of operations of the protected cell, net income or loss, dividends or other distributions to participants, and other factors may be provided in the participant contract or required by the director;
(3) the assets of a protected cell must not be chargeable with liabilities arising out of any other insurance business the sponsored captive insurance company may conduct;
(4) no sale, exchange, or other transfer of assets may be made by the sponsored captive insurance company between or among any of its protected cells without the consent of the protected cells;
(5) no sale, exchange, transfer of assets, dividend, or distribution may be made from a protected cell to a sponsor or participant without the director's approval and in no event may the approval be given if the sale, exchange, transfer, dividend, or distribution would result in insolvency or impairment with respect to a protected cell;
(6) a sponsored captive insurance company annually shall file with the director financial reports the director requires, which shall include, but are not limited to, accounting statements detailing the financial experience of each protected cell;
(7) a sponsored captive insurance company shall notify the director in writing within ten business days of a protected cell that is insolvent or otherwise unable to meet its claim or expense obligations;
(8) no participant contract shall take effect without the director's approval, and the addition of each new protected cell and withdrawal of any participant of any existing protected cell constitutes a change in the business plan requiring the director's approval.
(C) The name of a sponsored captive insurance company shall include the words "Sponsored Captive" or the abbreviation "SC". Any captive insurance company or protected cell formed prior to July 31, 2013, may not be required to change its name to comply with the provisions of this subsection.
(D) A sponsored captive insurance company may establish one or more protected cells with the prior approval of the director of a plan of operation or amendments submitted by the sponsored captive insurance company with respect to each protected cell. Upon the approval of the director of the plan of operation, which shall include, but is not limited to, the specific business objectives and investment guidelines of the protected cell, the sponsored captive insurance company, in accordance with the approved plan of operation, may attribute to the protected cell insurance obligations with respect to its insurance business and assets to fund the obligations. The sponsored captive insurance company shall transfer all assets attributable to a protected cell to one or more separately established and identified protected cell accounts bearing the name or designation of that protected cell. Protected cell assets must be held in the protected cell accounts for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of that protected cell.
(E) All attributions of assets and liabilities between a protected cell and the general account must be in accordance with the plan of operation approved by the director. No other attribution of assets or liabilities may be made by a sponsored captive insurance company between the sponsored captive insurance company's general account and its protected cells.
(F) A sponsored captive insurance company shall establish administrative and accounting procedures necessary to properly identify the one or more protected cells of the sponsored captive insurance company and the protected cell assets and protected cell liabilities attributable to the protected cells. The directors of a sponsored captive insurance company shall keep protected cell assets and protected cell liabilities:
(1) separate and separately identifiable from the assets and liabilities of the sponsored captive insurance company's general account; and
(2) attributable to one protected cell separate and separately identifiable from protected cell assets and protected cell liabilities attributable to other protected cells.
(G) When establishing a protected cell, the sponsored captive insurance company shall attribute to the protected cell assets with a value at least equal to the reserves and other insurance liabilities attributed to that protected cell.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 331, Section 1; 2014 Act No. 282 (S.909), Section 19, eff June 10, 2014; 2018 Act No. 251 (H.4675), Section 1, eff May 18, 2018.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 282, Section 19, in subsection (B)(2), inserted "participants of the protected cell, the"; and added subsections (C) through (G).
2018 Act No. 251, Section 1, in (B)(8), substituted "director's approval" for "director's prior written approval" in two places; in (D), in the first and second sentences, substituted "prior approval of the director" for "prior written approval of the director"; in (F), deleted the undesignated paragraph following (2), which related to the remedy of tracing.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 38 - Insurance

Chapter 90 - Captive Insurance Companies

Section 38-90-10. Definitions.

Section 38-90-20. Licensing; required information and documentation; fee; renewal.

Section 38-90-25. Reserved.

Section 38-90-30. Adoption of name.

Section 38-90-35. Discovery of confidential information in civil actions.

Section 38-90-40. Capitalization requirements.

Section 38-90-45. Reserved.

Section 38-90-50. Reserved.

Section 38-90-55. Reserved.

Section 38-90-60. Incorporation options and requirements.

Section 38-90-70. Reports.

Section 38-90-75. Discounting of loss and loss adjustment expense reserves.

Section 38-90-80. Inspections and examinations; confidentiality of reports; limitations applicable to branch captive insurance companies; application of general provisions.

Section 38-90-90. Suspension or revocation of license.

Section 38-90-100. Applicability of investment requirements.

Section 38-90-105. Loans.

Section 38-90-110. Reinsurance; effect on reserves.

Section 38-90-120. Requirement to join ratings organization.

Section 38-90-130. Participation in plan, pool, association, or guaranty or insolvency fund.

Section 38-90-140. Tax payment; rates; "common ownership and control" defined.

Section 38-90-145. Reserved.

Section 38-90-150. Rules, regulations, and orders.

Section 38-90-160. Application of provisions of title; director discretion; exemption of special purpose captive insurance companies.

Section 38-90-165. Declaration of inactivity.

Section 38-90-175. Captive Insurance Regulatory and Supervision Fund created; disbursements.

Section 38-90-180. Applicability of provisions relating to insurance reorganizations, receiverships, and injunctions; sponsored captive insurance company assets and capital provisions.

Section 30-90-185. Reserved.

Section 38-90-190. Reserved.

Section 38-90-200. Conversion of certain stock, mutual corporations, or limited liability companies into reciprocal insurers; plan for conversion.

Section 38-90-210. Formation of sponsored captive insurance company; establishing protected cells.

Section 38-90-215. Protected cells.

Section 38-90-220. Requirements applicable to sponsors.

Section 38-90-225. Participants in a sponsored captive insurance company.

Section 38-90-230. Protected cell assets; availability to creditors.

Section 38-90-235. Repealed by 2014 Act No. 282, Section 24, eff June 10, 2014.

Section 38-90-240. Reserved.

Section 38-90-250. Certificate of authority.

Section 38-90-410. Purpose.

Section 38-90-420. Definitions.

Section 38-90-430. Relation to other Title 38 provisions.

Section 38-90-440. License to transact business in State; contents of application; fees; foreign corporations.

Section 38-90-450. Organization requirements; privileges and restrictions.

Section 38-90-460. Capitalization.

Section 38-90-470. Authorized contracts.

Section 38-90-480. Protected cells.

Section 38-90-485. Effect of creation of protected cell; naming; management of assets.

Section 38-90-490. Issuance of securities.

Section 38-90-500. Swap agreements and other forms of asset management agreements.

Section 38-90-510. Authority to enter into contracts; contents.

Section 38-90-515. Securities issued by SPFC as insurance contract; underwriters or selling agents as insurance producers.

Section 38-90-520. Requirements and guidelines for asset management.

Section 38-90-530. Trust agreements for assets held in trust or pledged to secure obligations.

Section 38-90-540. Payment of dividends.

Section 38-90-550. Material changes of SPFC'S plan; filing of audit and statement of operations; examination of records.

Section 38-90-560. Examinations by director; confidentiality of examination reports.

Section 38-90-570. Expiration of authority granted by director on cessation of business; suspension or revocation of license; penalties; administrative hearing.

Section 38-90-580. Tax rates and payment schedules.

Section 38-90-590. Conditions for SPFC contract being granted credit for reinsurance treatment or otherwise qualifying as asset or reduction from liability for benefit of counterparty.

Section 38-90-600. Conservation, rehabilitation, or liquidation of SPFC.

Section 38-90-610. Disclosure of information by director.

Section 38-90-620. Standards and criteria applicable in contested case brought by third party and certain actions by director.

Section 38-90-630. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 38-90-810. Repealed.

Section 38-90-820. Repealed.

Section 38-90-830. Repealed.

Section 38-90-840. Repealed.

Section 38-90-850. Repealed.

Section 38-90-860. Repealed.

Section 38-90-870. Repealed.

Section 38-90-875. Repealed.

Section 38-90-880. Repealed.

Section 38-90-890. Repealed.