For purposes of this chapter, in determining whether an insurer's surplus as regards policyholders is reasonable in relation to the insurer's outstanding liabilities and adequate to its financial needs, the following factors, among others, are considered:
(1) the size of the insurer as measured by its assets, capital and surplus, reserves, premium writings, insurance in force, and other appropriate criteria;
(2) the extent to which the insurer's business is diversified among the several lines of insurance;
(3) the number and size of risks insured in each line of business;
(4) the extent of the geographical dispersion of the insured risks;
(5) the nature and extent of the reinsurance program;
(6) the quality, diversification, and liquidity of the investment portfolio;
(7) the recent past and projected future trend in the size of the insurer's investment portfolio;
(8) the surplus as regards policyholders maintained by other comparable insurers;
(9) the adequacy of the reserves;
(10) the source of the insurer's earnings and the extent to which the reported earnings include extraordinary items, such as surplus relief reinsurance transactions and reserve destrengthening; and
(11) The quality and liquidity of investments in affiliates.
The director or his designee may treat any such investment as a disallowed asset for purposes of determining the adequacy of surplus as regards policyholders whenever in his judgment the investment so warrants.
HISTORY: Former 1976 Code Section 38-21-260 [1947 (45) 322; 1952 Code Section 37-876; 1962 Code Section 37-876] recodified as Section 38-37-260 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; Former 1976 Code Section 38-29-250 [1962 Code Section 37-1423; 1971 (57) 351; 1986 Act No. 426, Section 16] recodified as Section 38-21-260 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 70, Section 5; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 582.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Insurance Holding Company Regulatory Act
Section 38-21-10. Definitions.
Section 38-21-20. Authority of insurers to organize or acquire subsidiaries.
Section 38-21-30. Authority of insurers to invest in securities of subsidiaries.
Section 38-21-40. Investments in securities of subsidiaries are not subject to other restrictions.
Section 38-21-70. Contents of statement; amendment.
Section 38-21-90. Approval of Commissioner of acquisition of control; hearing.
Section 38-21-100. Certain transactions exempt from Sections 38-21-60 to 38-21-120.
Section 38-21-110. Violations of Sections 38-21-60 to 38-21-120.
Section 38-21-120. Jurisdiction of courts; service of process.
Section 38-21-130. Registration of members of insurance holding company systems.
Section 38-21-140. Registration statement.
Section 38-21-150. Summary outlining changes since previous registration statement required.
Section 38-21-160. Information which need not be disclosed in registration statement.
Section 38-21-170. Dividends and distributions must be reported.
Section 38-21-180. Information from persons within insurance holding company.
Section 38-21-190. Termination of registration.
Section 38-21-210. Filing of registration statement on behalf of affiliated insurer.
Section 38-21-220. Disclaimer of affiliation.
Section 38-21-225. Annual enterprise risk report.
Section 38-21-230. Failure to timely file registration statement.
Section 38-21-240. Exemptions from registration statement provisions.
Section 38-21-250. Standards for transactions within insurance holding company system.
Section 38-21-260. Determining adequacy of insurer's surplus.
Section 38-21-270. Notice and approval of extraordinary dividends or distributions required.
Section 38-21-280. Examination; compulsory production of information.
Section 38-21-285. Participation in supervisory colleges.
Section 38-21-290. Confidential information.
Section 38-21-295. Group-wide supervisor for internationally active insurance groups.
Section 38-21-300. Regulations and orders of director.
Section 38-21-310. Enjoining violations of chapter, regulations, or orders.
Section 38-21-350. Director may take possession of property and conduct business of insurer.
Section 38-21-360. Authority of receiver to recover certain distributions and payments.
Section 38-21-370. Judicial review of action, order, or decision of director.