A SPRV operating under this chapter may be dissolved at any time by a vote of its board of directors, and after the action has been approved by the director, or his designee. A voluntary dissolution must not be effected or allowed until and unless all of the obligations of the SPRV pursuant to the insurance securitization have been fully and finally satisfied pursuant to their terms. In the case of voluntary dissolution, the disposition of the affairs of the SPRV, including the settlement of all outstanding obligations, must be made by the officers or directors of the SPRV and when the liquidation has been completed and a final statement, in acceptable form, filed with and approved, or deemed approved, by the director, or his designee, the provisions for voluntary dissolution under Title 33 must be followed to dissolve the SPRV.
HISTORY: 2002 Act No. 259, Section 1, eff May 20, 2002.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 14 - Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicle Model Act
Section 38-14-10. Purpose of chapter.
Section 38-14-20. Other sections applicable.
Section 38-14-30. Definitions.
Section 38-14-50. Purpose of SPRVs.
Section 38-14-70. Powers; bylaws.
Section 38-14-80. Relationship to ceding insurer.
Section 38-14-90. Capital requirements.
Section 38-14-100. Declaration and payment of dividends.
Section 38-14-110. Records and filing requirements.
Section 38-14-120. Election and removal of officers; loans.
Section 38-14-130. Reimbursement of formation and operation expenses and costs.
Section 38-14-140. Dissolution procedure.
Section 38-14-150. Rehabilitation and liquidation.
Section 38-14-160. Exemption from guaranty fund contributions or guaranty associations.
Section 38-14-170. Trust asset requirements; swap agreements.
Section 38-14-180. Reinsurance credit.
Section 38-14-190. Purchase of SPRV securities as transacting insurance business.