A contact lens fitting is complete and a contact lens prescription may be written when customary professional standards have been followed including, at least:
(1) the licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed all measurements, tests, and examinations necessary to satisfy his or her professional judgment that the patient is a viable candidate to wear contact lenses, which determination may require more than one visit between the patient and the optometrist or ophthalmologist; and
(2) contact lenses suitable for the patient's eyes have been evaluated and fitted by the licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist to the patient's eyes, and the optometrist or ophthalmologist is satisfied with the fitting based on the visual needs of the patient. An optometrist or an ophthalmologist may employ ophthalmic assistants or ancillary personnel to satisfy the customary professional standards in this section if those persons are under the direct supervision of the prescribing optometrist or ophthalmologist and the prescribing optometrist or ophthalmologist has direct on-site contact with the patient.
HISTORY: 2005 Act No. 160, Section 1, eff June 14, 2005.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code
Chapter 25 - Limitations On Dispensing Of An Ophthalmic Contact Lens Or Lenses
Section 37-25-10. Definitions.
Section 37-25-20. Prescription required.
Section 37-25-30. Prescription; contents.
Section 37-25-40. Prescription; time valid.
Section 37-25-50. Contact lens fitting; when complete and prescription written.
Section 37-25-60. Release of prescription.
Section 37-25-70. Penalties; contested case hearing; order for enforcement.