(A) The commissioner, by order, may deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a license of a licensee or applicant pursuant to this chapter or may restrict or limit the activities relating to mortgage loans of a licensee or a person who owns an interest in or participates in the business of a licensee, if the commissioner finds that both:
(1) the order is in the public interest; and
(2) the applicant, licensee, or any partner, member, manager, officer, director, loan originator, managing principal, or other person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions or a person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant or licensee:
(a) has filed an application for license that, as of its effective date or as of a date after filing, contained a statement that, in light of the circumstances under which it was made, is false or misleading with respect to a material fact;
(b) has violated or failed to comply with a provision of this chapter or order of the commissioner;
(c) within the past ten years has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, a misdemeanor involving financial services or financial services related business or an offense involving breach of trust or fraudulent or dishonest dealing, or money laundering or has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony in a domestic, foreign, or military court;
(d) is permanently or temporarily enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction from engaging in or continuing conduct or practice involving financial services or financial services related business;
(e) is the subject of an order of the commissioner denying, suspending, or revoking that person's license;
(f) is the subject of an order entered by the authority of a governmental entity with jurisdiction over the financial services or financial services related industry denying or revoking that person's license;
(g) does not meet the qualifications or the financial responsibility, character, or general fitness requirements, or a bond or capital requirements, pursuant to this chapter;
(h) has been the executive officer or controlling shareholder or owned a controlling interest in a financial services or financial services related business that has been subject to an order or injunction described in subitems (d), (e), or (f);
(i) has failed to pay the proper filing or renewal fee pursuant to this chapter or a fine, penalty, or fee imposed by any governmental entity. However, the commissioner may enter only a denial order pursuant to this subitem, and the commissioner shall vacate the order when the deficiency is corrected; or
(j) has falsely certified attendance or completion of hours at an approved education course.
(B) The commissioner, by order, summarily may postpone or suspend the license of a licensee pending final determination of a proceeding pursuant to this section. Upon entering the order, the commissioner shall notify promptly the applicant or licensee that the order has been entered, the reasons for the order, and the procedure for requesting a hearing before the Administrative Law Court. If a licensee does not request a hearing and the commissioner does not request a hearing, the order remains in effect until it is modified or vacated by the commissioner.
(C) The commissioner, by order, may impose an administrative penalty upon a licensee or any member, partner, officer, director, or other person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions on behalf of a licensee for a violation of this chapter. The administrative penalty may not exceed ten thousand dollars for each violation of this chapter by a licensee. The commissioner may impose an administrative penalty that may not exceed ten thousand dollars for each violation of this chapter by a person other than a licensee or exempt person.
(D) In addition to other powers pursuant to this chapter, upon finding that an action of a person is in violation of this chapter, the commissioner may order the person to cease from the prohibited action. If the person subject to the order fails to request a contested case hearing in accordance with Section 37-22-130, or if the person requests the hearing and it is denied or dismissed, and the person continues to engage in the prohibited action in violation of the commissioner's order, the person is subject to an administrative penalty that may not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for each violation of the commissioner's order. The penalty provision of this section is in addition to and not instead of another provision of law for failure to comply with an order of the commissioner.
(E) Unless otherwise provided, all actions and hearings pursuant to this chapter are governed by Chapter 23, Title 1.
(F) If a licensee is accused of any act, omission, or misconduct that subjects the licensee to disciplinary action, the licensee, with the consent and approval of the commissioner, may surrender the license and the rights and privileges pertaining to it and is not eligible to receive, or to submit an application for, licensure for a period of time established by the commissioner.
(G) If the commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that a licensee or other person has violated this chapter or that facts exist that would be the basis for an order against a licensee or other person, the commissioner, either personally or by a person duly designated by the commissioner, at any time may investigate or examine the loans and business of the licensee and examine the books, accounts, records, and files of the licensee or other person relating to the complaint or matter under investigation. The reasonable cost of this investigation or examination must be charged against the licensee. The commissioner may require the licensee or other person to submit a consent to a national and state fingerprint-based criminal history record check and a set of that person's fingerprints in a form acceptable to the commissioner in connection with an examination or investigation. Refusal to submit the requested criminal history record check or a set of fingerprints is grounds for disciplinary action.
(H) The commissioner may subpoena documents and witnesses and compel their production and attendance, to examine under oath all persons whose testimony the commissioner considers relative to the person's business and require the production of books, papers, or other materials.
(I) The commissioner, at the licensee's expense, may conduct routine examinations of the books and records of a licensee to determine compliance with this chapter.
(J) The commissioner shall cooperate and share information with an agency of this State, other states, or the federal government concerning activity regulated by this chapter. The commissioner shall accept or participate in examinations conducted by one of these agencies.
(K) In addition to the authority described in this section, the commissioner may require a person to pay to a borrower or other natural person amounts received by the person or its employees in violation of this chapter.
(L) If the commissioner finds that the managing principal, branch manager, or loan originator of a licensee had knowledge of, or reasonably should have had knowledge of, or participated in an activity that results in the entry of an order suspending or withdrawing the license of a licensee, the commissioner may prohibit the branch manager, managing principal, or loan originator from serving as a branch manager, managing principal, or loan originator for the period of time the commissioner considers necessary.
(M) Orders issued by the commissioner or by the Administrative Law Court pursuant to this chapter must be reported by the commissioner to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry.
HISTORY: 2009 Act No. 67, Section 2, eff January 1, 2010.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code
Section 37-22-110. Definitions.
Section 37-22-120. Licensing requirements.
Section 37-22-130. Contested case proceedings; appeals.
Section 37-22-160. Continuing professional education.
Section 37-22-180. Notice of change of address; display of license.
Section 37-22-190. Prohibited activities; violation of state or federal law.
Section 37-22-220. Maintenance of records by licensee; annual mortgage reports.
Section 37-22-230. Violations of chapter; penalties.
Section 37-22-240. Criminal background checks.
Section 37-22-250. Funds payable to commissioner.
Section 37-22-260. Promulgation of regulations.
Section 37-22-270. Participation in Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry.