A claim or right arising out of an alleged breach may be discharged in whole or in part without consideration by agreement of the aggrieved party in an authenticated record.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10.1-107; 1966 (54) 2716; former 1976 Code Section 36-1-107; 2014 Act No. 213 (S.343), Section 1, eff October 1, 2014.
Source: Former Section 1-107.
Changes from former law: This section changes former law in two respects. First, former Section 1-107, requiring the "delivery" of a "written waiver or renunciation" merges the separate concepts of the aggrieved party's agreement to forego rights and the manifestation of that agreement. This section separates those concepts, and explicitly requires agreement of the aggrieved party. Second, the revised section reflects developments in electronic commerce by providing for memorialization in an authenticated record. In this context, a party may "authenticate" a record by (i) signing a record that is a writing or (ii) attaching to or logically associating with a record that is not a writing an electronic sound, symbol or process with the present intent to adopt or accept the record. See Sections 1-201(b)(37) and 9-102(a)(7).
1. This section makes consideration unnecessary to the effective renunciation or waiver of rights or claims arising out of an alleged breach of a commercial contract where the agreement effecting such renunciation is memorialized in a record authenticated by the aggrieved party. Its provisions, however, must be read in conjunction with the section imposing an obligation of good faith. (Section 1-304).
Editor's Note
2014 Act No. 213, Section 51, provides as follows:
"SECTION 51. This act becomes effective on October 1, 2014. It applies to transactions entered into and events occurring after that date."
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - Commercial Code - General Provisions
Section 36-1-101. Short title.
Section 36-1-102. Scope of chapter.
Section 36-1-104. Construction against implicit repeal.
Section 36-1-105. Severability.
Section 36-1-106. Use of singular and plural; gender.
Section 36-1-107. Section captions.
Section 36-1-108. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
Section 36-1-109. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 213, Section 1, eff October 1, 2014.
Section 36-1-201. General definitions.
Section 36-1-202. Notice; knowledge.
Section 36-1-203. Lease distinguished from security interest.
Section 36-1-205. Reasonable time; seasonableness.
Section 36-1-206. Presumptions.
Section 36-1-207. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 213, Section 1, eff October 1, 2014.
Section 36-1-208. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 213, Section 1, eff October 1, 2014.
Section 36-1-301. Territorial applicability; parties' power to choose applicable law.
Section 36-1-302. Variation by agreement.
Section 36-1-303. Course of performance, course of dealing, and usage of trade.
Section 36-1-304. Obligation of good faith.
Section 36-1-305. Remedies to be liberally administered.
Section 36-1-306. Waiver or renunciation of claim or right after breach.
Section 36-1-307. Prima facie evidence by third-party documents.
Section 36-1-308. Performance or acceptance under reservation of rights.