Subject to rules or regulations as the board prescribes, a state savings bank must agree in writing with borrowers as to the method or plan by which an indebtedness must be repaid.
HISTORY: 1997 Act No. 90, Section 1, eff June 10, 1997.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money
Chapter 30 - A State Savings Bank Charter In South Carolina
Section 34-30-10. Short title.
Section 34-30-20. Application of chapter.
Section 34-30-30. Definitions.
Section 34-30-50. Application of Business Corporation Act.
Section 34-30-60. Prior charters; legal name, requirements; prohibited acts; injunctions.
Section 34-30-70. Organization and establishment; application, fee; contents of application.
Section 34-30-90. Board examination of application.
Section 34-30-180. Change of office location; information, evaluation.
Section 34-30-190. Discontinuance of branch office operation.
Section 34-30-200. Loan production office, opening or closing.
Section 34-30-310. Conversion to federal charter; procedure.
Section 34-30-340. Merger or consolidation of state savings banks; procedure.
Section 34-30-350. Merger of state savings banks and federal depository institutions.
Section 34-30-370. Voluntary dissolution of state savings banks.
Section 34-30-400. Limitations on mergers.
Section 34-30-510. Powers and duties of board.
Section 34-30-550. Supervision and examination fees.
Section 34-30-600. Defamation; false information and advertising; fine or imprisonment.
Section 34-30-1000. Membership of mutual state savings banks.
Section 34-30-1020. Bylaws and amendments; certification; effective date; amendment.
Section 34-30-1040. Conflict of interest.
Section 34-30-1060. Annual meetings; notice.
Section 34-30-1070. Special meetings; notice.
Section 34-30-1090. Blanket indemnity bond; bonding of agents; settlement; cancellation.
Section 34-30-1210. Permitted loans.
Section 34-30-1240. Condition of loan on specific contracts prohibited.
Section 34-30-1250. Loan expenses; late payment charge; levy of payments.
Section 34-30-1260. Repayment plan; written agreement required.
Section 34-30-1270. Stringency of rules or regulations.
Section 34-30-1280. Limitations on rules or regulations.
Section 34-30-1290. Loans or investments violating this chapter.
Section 34-30-1310. Investments in real property; limitations.
Section 34-30-1320. Investments in obligations issued and guaranteed by federal government.
Section 34-30-1330. Investments in obligations issued and guaranteed by State.
Section 34-30-1340. Investments in stock or bonds of Federal Home Loan Banks.
Section 34-30-1360. Investments in stock of federal government sponsored enterprises.
Section 34-30-1390. Investments in stock of business or industrial development corporations.
Section 34-30-1400. Investments in stock of urban renewal investment corporations.
Section 34-30-1410. Limitations on loans and investments in commercial loans.
Section 34-30-1640. Authority of attorneys-in-fact; notice of revocation of authority; liability.
Section 34-30-1650. Pledge or hypothecation of savings account in joint tenancy.
Section 34-30-1660. Adverse claims to accounts.
Section 34-30-1700. Checks refused for payment, insufficient funds; processing fees.
Section 34-30-1730. Authorization of board and officers to borrow money.